14. A land of Pure Imagination

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Glynda POV.
Location: the new age Academy

It is been a couple days since the embarrassment in Washington DC and ever since then the headmistresses and some of the Geniuses behind the new age Academy had a brilliant idea if this mysterious vigilante had such amazing power maybe they could track her down using her own powers against her they realized that it couldn't have been a quirk because not even the most powerful mind control quirk in history was powerful enough to control the minds and actions of so many people at the same time without causing an extreme strain on the Quirk user also after the embarrassment in Washington DC some of the more Brilliant Minds in New Age Academy managed to find a special energy frequency on All Might and Midnight so using the remains of the energy exerted from Supremacy they were able to conceive a device that would track down this vigilante to her hiding place so for the last few days the most intelligent students and staff of the new age Academy have been working non-stop to create a device that can track down the powerful energy of vigilante calling herself Supremacy and now the machine is ready for action.

Glynda: so are you sure this will work?

Mei: without a doubt!

Tabane: this device will link up with our network of satellites to scan the entire world looking for the energy source from the vigilante and once we have a lock on of their energy signature anywhere on the planet anywhere from the highest mountains the lowest ocean floor.

Venelana: excellent activate it now.

Without any form of hesitation the device was activated in immediately linked up with the satellite hanging in the Earth's orbit within a couple of minutes the machine locked on to the energy signature of the Vigilante calling herself the Infinity Hero Supremacy.

Tabane: we got her!

Glynda: where is she?!

Mei: well this is unexpected!

Glynda: what do you mean what's unexpected?!

Mei: according to these coordinates the vigilante is currently at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in Germany.

A very long moment of silence past as everyone was trying to comprehend want the creator of the Infinite Stratos had just said as soon as it registered and everyone's head the same response was uttered by everyone in the room.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!??

Ruby Tojo: you've got to be kidding us!

Tabane: she's not kidding according to these coordinates the Vigilante is right now at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in Germany.

Glynda: well that's unexpected

Venelana: indeed

Ruby Tojo: agreed

Realizing that their target was now in a location they had access to the three headmistresses decided to act now knowing that violence was not going to work they were going to have to extend the hand of friendship and go for a more diplomatic approach.

Glynda: all right if we want to recruit this vigilante we're going to need a more diplomatic approach instead of using blunt force.

Venelana: I wholeheartedly agree

Ruby Tojo: I also have to agree if we want this vigilante on our side we're going to have to extend the hand of friendship instead of going for blunt force.

Glynda: that's what I just said.

Ruby Tojo: I know I was agreeing with you now let's not get off topic.

Glymda: that I can agree with now the question is, who are we going to send to retrieve this vigilante?

Venelana: I recommend my daughter and her Peerage.

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