The sun's water drops

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I love the scene of

Rain and shine together,

The clouds slightly part

And in pink & orange hues

I think when I saw

Those colors today,

It reminded me of that day in elementary,

After watching Sandlot

In the bungalow room,

It was so dark,

And everyone looked so gloomy in that blue lit


But sandlot was still

one of my comfort movies

That made me think

About baseball and

Hoping to find friends that play

Around and talk about their interests

And idols like

The Great Bambino

We were left unfinished with the movie

In the portion of where The Beast

Was chasing after the kids

Leaving it at that scene takes me to now,

Where I am left chasing after my future self,

Asking if I am ever going to find that feeling of

Being balanced and stable

I take myself back to that memory,

And when we opened the blue door,

The pink and orange rain pitter pattered

On the dull cement

Even though those colors didn't last on the ground,

I was in awe to see these colors in midair

The sun came out at

Such an angle where it didn't blind my vision from

The clouds, it was enough shine and cloud

Ratio that was balanced, and these little droplets

Of sun perked the raw emotion of contentment

I felt the chaos and sadness of my grandma's passing,

my insecurities that pitter pattered and the peace

Of seeing an embodiment of shine ensued right within me,

A balance, and that same smile crept up

When I saw those colors at 7:38 in the


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