<1.3> Human Paranoia

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Dracula opens the door to his bedroom, Johnny ran in, while Alaric just walks in.

"Please don't kill me! I'm so young! I have so many places I want to see!" Johnny said trying to open the doors to the balcony. "I've got tickets to 6 Dave Matthews Band concerts!"

"Oh, Dave Matthew! Good taste!" Alaric said.

"I know right!" Johnny went on and rambles a bit about Dave Matthew to Alaric, before realizing he what he was doing before. "I'm getting out of here!" He opens a cellar door and Glen a monster roars at him, making him scream and making him ran back up.

"Shut up, already. It's impossible for me to think with all your noise." Dracula told Johnny. He apologized to Glen. "Sorry, Glen! Go back to sleep!" He said. He closes the cellar door and Glen roars.

"Wait. Aren't you going to suck my blood?" Johnny asked Dracula. He turn towards Alaric. "And aren't you gonna devour me?" He asked.

"Classic human paranoia." Dracula and Alaric said.

Dracula sat on the edge of his bed. "Human blood is so fatty, and you never know where it's been."

"And well, we werewolves don't do that." Alaric said. "You never know if a human's body is unsanitary, so that's why we much rather devour animals." He said.

"So, Dracula doesn't drink blood?" Johnny asked, he went towards the two.

"No, I use a blood substitute." Dracula said. "Either Near Blood or Blood Beaters. You can't tell the difference." He said.

"Wow, so you're really a werewolf?" Johnny asked Alaric.

"Indeed, name's Weston, but I prefer for everyone to call me Alaric." Alaric said, he held his hand out to Johnny who shook it.

"So, wow, you're, like, the real Count Dracula. Like, "I'm Dracula, bleh bleh bleh."" Johnny said, mimicking Dracula a bit.

"I've never said that in my life. "bleh bleh bleh."" Dracula said. "I don't know where that comes from." He stood up.

"Uh, can I just ask, what exactly is this place?" Johnny asked looking around.

Dracula looks back at Johnny. "What is this place?" He asked and goes towards the window he opens it and starts to speak dramatically. "It is a place I built for all those monsters out there lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind. A place for them and their families to come to and free themselves. A place void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs! A place of peace, relaxation and tranquility."

"Dramatic..." Alaric said, in a sing-song tone.

"Cool, so it's like a hotel for monsters?" Johnny asked.

Dracula was slightly annoyed. "Yes, exactly. A hotel for monsters. Way to sum it up." He said. He sped towards Johnny. "Okay, hop on my back, we're leaving." He turns into a bat.

"Oh, man, you're a bat now. I always wanted to fly. What's it like?" Johnny asked. Dracula picks him up. "This is insane. Wait. Wait, I want to stay. Can Frankenstein sign my costume? Can I meet the Invisible Man? Hey, if I stuck my hand in the Invisible Man's mouth, would it disappear?" He questioned.

Alaric walks out into the balcony. "Good question, now I'm curious." He said.

Dracula carries Johnny out, Mavis and Tyler suddenly appears ion their bat forms.

"Hi!" Mavis and Tyler greeted.

"Mavey! Tavey!" Dracula said. "Wh-What are you doing, my sweet little blood oranges? Our friend was just leaving."

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