<1.5> Chicken Fight!

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Everyone is now in the library, as everyone is playing a painfully slow game of bingo.

"N-27." The elderly gremlin announced.

Dracula was the only one enthusiastic about the game. Mavis, Johnny, Tyler and Alaric were bored.

"G-61." The elderly gremlin announced.

Eunice stamps it and she got a bingo. "Bingo! Bingo!" She said. The elderly gremlin next to her, ate her bingo card. "How dare you. Do you know what doctor made me?" She questioned.

"I didn't do that." The elderly gremlin said, rolling her eyes.


All of the monsters are now in the open area. Some monsters were sitting at the bleachers watching, while some were at the middle playing charades.

"Circles? Fly? Hands? Film." Two monsters tries to guess what the Fly was charading.

The fly vomit on his hand, and rubs them.

"Vomit." Yeti said.

"The Vomit?" A smaller fly asked.

"The Throw Up." Yeti said.

"No. That wasn't a clue." Fly said.

The monsters there were bored, except for Dracula. Mavis and Tyler were sitting on Dracula's right, while Johnny and Alaric were sitting on Dracula's left.

Griffin was doing charades, while Hydra was guessing.





"Glasses shaking?"

"Glasses shaking sideways!"

"Through the Looking-Glass?"

"I stink at this." Griffin said.

Johnny sighs, and thought of something. He went into his backpack.

"What are you up to?" Alaric asked.

"Just looking for a way to spice things up." Johnny said, he took out a scooter. He rode his scooter around, and started doing tricks. Monsters gathers around Johnny.

Murray did a trick with the scooter. The Thing. Werewolf kids. Even Bigfoot who fell.

Mavis and Tyler laughed. Dracula gasped.

The elderly gremlin grabs the scooter and ate it. "I didn't do that." She said.


Everyone is now at the pool area.

Fly was instructing some of the monsters to do stretches at the pool. "And pull it back. And up. And push. And twist. And back. And up. And twist. And push." He spits into his hand, and everyone tried to copy. "No. Don't copy that." He said, and went back to stretching. " And back. And up. And twist."

A monster went to the food table, and ate the omelet the zombie just made.

Frank went over to the food table. "Let me get a bubonic moose nose omelet with cockroach paste and mouse jelly. And with egg whites." He said and left.

The zombie groans.

Quasimodo went over to Dracula. "Bonjour, Monsieur Dracula!" He greeted. "May I make you an omelet?"

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