<1.4> Party Planning

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Dracula, Johnny, and Alaric are now walking through a secret tunnel. Dracula was holding a torch.

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked.

"Just getting rid of you through a secret tunnel so they do not see us." Dracula replied, referring to Mavis and Tyler.

"I have to say, this secret tunnel needs a bit of cleaning." Alaric said.

"So, can I ask you a question? Is that real, about the garlic thing?" Johnny asked Dracula.

"Yes, I cannot have it. My throat swells." Dracula replied.

"So, Alaric is it true what they say about Wolfsbane?" Johnny asked Alaric.

"Oh, yes, they're very bad for us." Alaric replied. "Mostly the smell, it's very horrid to us."

The three monsters stops at the main area where it leads to multiple tunnels.

"Huh. Wooden stake, or silver knife to the heart?" Johnny asked both monsters.

"Yeah, well, who wouldn't those kill?" Dracula questioned, he goes into a tunnel.

"He's not wrong." Alaric said. Him and Johnny follows Dracula.

Dracula crashed into a dead-end, he grunts and turn back.

"Ah. Here we go." Dracula said. He got to a place and pulled down a lever, the wall opens and two fleas were the residents there. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little lost." He apologized. "Yes, I know it's your honeymoon. I apologize. Go back to doing what you were doing."

The three of them exit the room, and continue looking for a way out.

"I'm not down here much. It's meant to be an exit if humans ever invade." Dracula told Johnny and Alaric.

"So, I'm, like, the first human here, huh? That's really cool." Johnny said.

"Well, no humans were... du- I mean, brave enough to get through the security to get here, so it makes sense." Alaric said.

The three got to another wall.

"Oh, boy. I think this is it." Dracula said, he pulls down the lever. The door opens the three saw Skeleton Wife taking a shower, Alaric quickly covers his eyes and looks away.

Skeleton Wife screams. "Ahhh! What happening?" She asked.

"I am terribly sorry! Uh, my mistake!" Dracula said.

Skeleton Husband burst in. "What is wrong with you people?!" He yelled and threw a loofah at Dracula, and the door closes.

The three are now walking through a short tunnel.

"Oh, man, this place is amazing!" Johnny said.

"That's about the fifth time you said that." Alaric said.

"Okay, I could really use some silence right now." Dracula said.

The three of them were walking down a set of stairs, Dracula and Alaric stops when there were none  left. Johnny almost fell, but Dracula caught him in time.

The three got to another wall.

"All right, third time's a..." Dracula said he pulls the lever.

The three saw Frank, Wayne, Murray fighting a zombie each, while the werewolf kids runs around the place.

Dracula tries to close the door, but Frank spotted him.

"Drac. Alaric." Frank called, seeing the two.

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