<1.6> Sunrise

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Dracula, Johnny and Alaric are currently in a cemetery.

"Oh, you messed up, man." Dracula said to Johnny. "You messed up big-time. I told you to take it down. You'll ruin my hotel if they find out." He said, carrying Johnny by his hoodie.

"Well, maybe you're just jealous that people are finally making fun of this place." Johnny said.

"Oh, that? That was not fun." Dracula said. Johnny crosses his arms. "Everyone running, jumping, swimming with no order. That was the opposite of fun."

"Do you even know what fun is?" Johnny questioned.

"I invented fun!" Dracula said.

"That seems highly unlikely." Alaric said.

"Boy, the wrong people get to be immortal." Johnny said looking away, and crossing his arms.

"Look at me." Dracula said to Johnny, his eyes glowing. "You remember nothing of this encounter. You have no memory of this place or the monsters you met. Now go and never return."

"Wait, never return to the hotel?" Johnny questioned.

"He's not affected." Alaric said, surprised at it not working.

"What?" Dracula questioned. "You were supposed to forget the hotel. I just used my powers to erase your memory. I looked straight into your eyes!"

"Huh." Johnny said, he taps his chin a bit. "Oh, maybe it's the contact lenses."

"The what?" Dracula asked.

"These little plasticky doodads that help me see better." Johnny said, pointing at his contact lenses. "Here, let me just try and get them out real quick." He tried to get it out.

"Oh, that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" Dracula exclaimed.

"I can agree with you on that." Dracula said.

"Almost got it." Johnny said, still trying to get it out.

"Stop doing that! Please stop doing that! Fingers away from the eyeballs!" Dracula exclaimed. "Enough!" He yelled stopping Johnny. "Listen to me." He said, pointing at Johnny. "You are never to return here. You are to stay away and never tell humans about this place. Or I will track you down and suck every ounce of blood from your body until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion!" He said. "Be gone."

Johnny stomps away. Dracula turned into a bat and flew away. Alaric went to follow Johnny escorting him safely.

Johnny scoffed. "I can't believe I'm leaving, man. I could've been so great! Right, Alaric?" He asked the werewolf.

"Correct, the monsters there didn't really enjoy what Dracula prepared until you made it fun." Alaric said.

"Dude, you ruined everything." Johnny said, referring to Dracula. "Suck my blood? Should've said, "I'm staying, old man!" Give him a Bruce Lee kick. Boom!" He said, kicking. "Right in the-"

Two bats appeared. They turned into Mavis and Tyler.

"Aah! Oh, my God. Count Dracula. Please don't kill me. I'm leaving, I'm leaving." Johnny said, looking at the ground.

"You're safe, Johnnystein." Alaric said.

Johnny looks up and saw Mavis and Tyler who were sitting on a gravestone. "Oh."

"Follow us." Mavis softly told Johnny.

"Please." Tyler softy said to Alaric. The both of them walked towards a cave.

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