<1.7> Table Fun

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It was now morning, Dracula stormed into the main hall where a bunch of tables were at. He opened the door, and realized he was still in a towel, he quickly put his clothes back on.

Johnny walked in with a pout, while Alaric walk next to him.

"I can't believe you stuck around, man. You don't get it." Dracula said to Johnny. "Bad things are coming your way. I got to get my thoughts together." He said, and breathes in relief.

"Don't take it personally." Alaric told Johnny, patting his back.

"Okay. You see these tables?" Dracula asked Johnny, gesturing towards the tables. "You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planner."

"Well, fantastic. I'm trapped here." Johnny said. "Now I know how your daughter and son feels." He said.

"Well, it's also the same feeling of how I was trapped in my home for a long time." Alaric said.

Dracula fixes his hair. Johnny pushes the table, making a loud scratching noise. Alaric covered his ears.

"Enough! Enough! Stop!" Dracula said, stopping Johnny. "Go to your corner, you're in a timeout!" He points at the corner.

"Timeout?!" Johnny exclaimed. "I'm a grown man!"

Dracula uses his magic and throws Jonny to the corner, puts a thumb on Johnny's mouth, spins Johnny around looking at the wall and makes him sit down. Alaric stood next to Johnny.

Dracula turns around. "Okay." He claps his hands. "Table 57, please move to position 23." He said, and a table starts flying towards the position.

"Whoa! That. Is. Cool." Johnny said, his thumb still in his mouth.

"Face the wall." Dracula said, he turned Johnny back to the wall. "17 to 48. 16 to 47. 19 to 50." More tables float.

"Awesomeness." Johnny said.

"Just let me do my work already!" Dracula said. "29 to 35. 42 to 18. 10 to 44. 39 to 24."

Johnny got his thumb out of his mouth, with Alaric's help.

"17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23...?" Johnny said, looking around the tables. He jumped onto a table. "36 up!" The table floated, as he floats around.

"31 to 19." Dracula said, one of the table hits Johnny's table and he fell. Dracula smirked.

"Well, that was interesting." Alaric said.

"24 up!" Johnny said, the table floats again.

"7 to 25. 14 to 30." Dracula said.

Johnny starts floating around. Dracula and Alaric smirked at each other.

"Oh, where'd you go, grandpa, and Alaric?" Johnny questioned, seeing Dracula and Alaric no where.

"Don't freak out, gravity face." Dracula said, he was on a table upside-down looking at Johnny.

"Don't get scared." Alaric said, flying next to Johnny while standing.

"Eat my dust, gray face, and gray fur!" Johnny said, he sped up.

"56 and 43, to our side." Dracula said, two tables float next to them.

Johnny saw them chasing after him, he whooped. He flew through a bunch of tables, while maneuvering.

Dracula laughed. "Prepare to cry, Billy Backpack." He said.

Dracula was about to grab Johnny until he dodged it, by sliding through the ceiling. "That's how we do a half-pipe, baby!" Johnny said.

"Whatever." Johnny sarcastically said.

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