<1.9> You're my Zing

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It was now morning, every monsters were at the counter wanting to get out of the hotel.

"What is this minibar charge?" Wayne questioned, reading the fee.

"Honey, the kids threw the minibar out the window." Wanda told her husband.

"And that's our fault?" Wayne questioned.

"Well..." Wanda said.

"Excuse me! Pardon, yeah." Murray said, he went towards the counter holding two large boxes. "Excuse me, I got a couple of people to express mail." He said.

Dracula was in bat form, he flew to the front. "Friends, please, stop." He said.

"It's too late, rat-bat!" Murray said.

Dracula turned back into his human form. "Please, I'm begging you. I need you to help me find Johnny and Alaric." He said.

"The human? He could've killed us!" Wayne said.

"I regret saying this, but Weston also helped hiding him." Wanda said.

"He touched my guitar!" Murray yelled.

"He put his hand in my mouth to see if it would disappear." Griffin said.

"He let me eat his scooter!" The Elderly Gremlin said. The monsters gasped.

"I know I lied." Dracula said. "I was wrong. But you have to believe this: Johnny wasn't a bad guy, and Alaric was just trying to help." He said. "The truth is, I don't even know if humans are bad anymore." He said, looking at the monsters.

Murray and Griffin look at each other. Wayne and Wanda look at each other.

"Frank, come on, buddy. You understand." Dracula said, to the box Frank is in.

"He's not talking to you." Eunice, who is in the other box said. "First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good. What else? Up is down, cold is hot, gremlins don't smell."

"Hey!" The Gremlin Man said.

Frank got out of his box. "I really liked Johnny, cousin or no." He said. "Alaric, too. They told fun stories." He said.

"I think Mavis with Johnny, and Tyler with Alaric, they Zinged." Dracula said, he slumped forward.

"They Zinged?" Wayne and Wanda said.

"But I got in the way." Dracula said.

"How could you?" Wanda asked. "Weston has been looking for his Zing for a long time." She said.

"I don't know much." Wayne said. "But I know, Alaric has been looking for his Zing ever since he left his home." He said.

"You only Zing once in your life." Frank said, he cried. He starts short-circuiting.

Eunice got out of her box. "Oy, now you're short-circuiting." She said.

"I don't care!" Frank said, he continues to short-circuit.

"Well, what are we doing? Let's get Johnny and Alaric. Come on!" Griffin said.

Dracula's friends agreed. Him, Wayne, Murray, Griffin, and Frank went out of the hotel.


The monsters got onto a vehicle, they begin driving out of the hotel.

"Okay, okay, where am I going?" Griffin asked, he was driving.

"The human world, before Johnny's gone forever." Dracula said.

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