058; you bumped into her

699 37 17

i don't know what you've been told
see i am not your enemy,
but if there's one thing that i know
it's that you ain't a friend to me.


"God... do you go anywhere else apart from the studio and your house?" Daniel asked as he walked into the studio, staring at Corbyn who was playing with a rubik's cube while his laptop was in front of him.

"I was working on a song." Corbyn shrugged.


"Man, stop bullying him." Jack shoved Daniel playfully, "his girlfriend left him, that's the only other place he used to go.

"She wasn't my girl-"

"She basically was." Zach interrupted him, "you guys were so in love."

"I did message Rosy by the way... she never got back to me."

"It's fine, I saw her last night." Corbyn replied, fiddling with the rubik's cube in his hand as they all turned their heads towards him in an instant.

"You saw her?" Jonah questioned him, "like you bumped into her while you were out somewhere?"

"...Uh, yeah." He slowly nodded, looking at them with a small frown as they all narrowed their eyebrows, "I bought her a bouquet of flowers from her store and-"

"The store she said not to go in?" Daniel questioned.

"...You bumped into her and coincidentally had a bouquet of flowers that you bought for her?" Zach asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"No," Corbyn said through a deep breath, "I sort of.. maybe I went to her apartment..."

"Idiot." Daniel mumbled and rolled his eyes, turning back to his laptop, "she's only going to avoid you more."

"And she let you in?!" Jack raised his eyebrows.

"I never knocked."

"Then how did you see her?"

"This guy looked through the peephole." Daniel laughed as Corbyn shook his head and frowned.

"No... no, I was pacing outside her door because I was scared to knock and then her door like swung open and she froze as soon as she saw me." Corbyn explained, "but she seemed a little panicky... like she was in a hurry."

"She opened her front door to leave her apartment," Jack said, "and found you stood outside of it... that's giving major stalker energy."

"Lesson learnt," he shrugged.

"Did she say anything to you?" Daniel asked.

"Just to not do it again." He frowned slightly, "it was a bad move now that I think about it but I hadn't seen her in 9 days and I was starting to think I was going insane."

"You're not going to go insane because you haven't seen Rosemary in a week."

"This is torture. She's actually torturing me." He raised his eyebrows and nodded, "I feel so unorganised and i'm so out of place and all I can think about is her."

"Your fault." Jack shrugged, "shouldn't have laughed."

"Do you feel guilty?" Zach asked.

"Zach, he does." Jonah nodded.

"He doesn't seem it."

"I cried to Jonah." Corbyn quickly admitted as the four of them went silent, looking over to Jonah for confirmation as he slowly nodded in agreement, "last night."

"Oh." Jack paused.

"Rosy never got back to you?" Jonah furrowed his eyebrows at Daniel, attempting to change the subject to make Corbyn feel less embarrassed as Daniel shrugged and sighed.

"She left me on read."

"She's still hurting, I'm sure she'll reply eventually." Jonah frowned as Daniel slowly nodded.

"She could just be thinking you could betray her by telling Corbyn how she's doing," Zach explained, "she doesn't want him to know anything so... she might be avoiding us just so we don't trace anything back to Corbyn."

They all nodded before looking backing over to Corbyn, the boy sunk into his seat with his arms folded and head staring down at his feet. As they all glanced to each other in concern, Jack subtly rolled his eyes before sighing.

"I know you don't want to hear this but Rosy has been like a sister to me and she's helped me these past few years with Lav," Jack spoke up with a frown, "you really hurt her, she probably feels like you stabbed her in the back, and there is a part of me who thinks she won't talk to you again."

"Jack." Daniel's eyes widened as he shook his head.

"I hope she does, I know how much you mean to each other and how much she means to us but.. I don't know, her florist is her pride and joy." He explained as Corbyn looked over at him.

"But she also knows you would never say anything bad about her store." Zach added on, "so she is probably willing to forgive you."

"She just needs time." Daniel reassured Corbyn, "she needs space and time."

"Rosy would never let a guy treat her like that though," Jack leaned back in his seat, raising his eyebrows as Corbyn's chair shuffled backwards and he stood himself up.

And as they all turned their heads back to the boy, they watched Corbyn grab his bottle of water and phone before he walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind him without saying another word to his band mates.

"Little harsh there, Jack." Zach said through a small laugh, "I do feel bad for him."

"I feel bad for both of them," Daniel sighed, "they're both hurting and whenever they're upset they'd go to each other for comfort... this time they can't."

"I think one will cave eventually and they'll spend the night with each other and then end up talking things out and forgive each other." Jonah smiled slightly, "if he's suddenly missing for one night or the pink mini is suddenly in our drive way, we'll know they're okay."

"Do you mean... they'll spend the night and have sex?" Zach raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened, "I don't-"

"No! No, Rosy won't do that."

"Corbyn won't do that to her." Jonah shook his head, "I don't think they've even hooked up yet."

"I don't feel bad, he shouldn't have laughed." Jack shrugged, "if he defends the store when she's around, he should defend the store when she's not."

"He probably didn't want to have her walk in on them arguing because Randy had his very strong opinions." Daniel argued, "he just laughed and let him say it, he never actually verbally agreed."

"So when someone laughs at an insult towards the band, what are they doing?"

"Some people just laugh because they feel awkward or uncomfortable." Jonah said, "maybe he was doing that."

"He's in love with her, he'd never say anything about her florist. He's in love with her and he's loves her store just as much." Daniel explained, "he's currently writing a song that's about her."

"I can't believe he went to her apartment." Zach laughed, "he's so unbelievable."

"He's unpredictable." Jonah corrected him and smiled.

"What are the chances he'll go to the party tomorrow night just for the hopes that Rosy will turn up?" Daniel folded his arms as he let out a small laugh.

"On a Saturday night? He knows she'll be at home doing her self care." Jack shook his head.

"Never know, her friends could convince her to go out."

"There's no chance, she'll be at home."


filler chapter bc next chapter... it's actually a little rollercoaster of emotions 🤥🫶🏼

but corbyn :(((

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