Chapter 7

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"Welcome to students old and new." Mrs Kennedy strolled around the edge of the raised platform as she spoke, her sharp eyes missing nothing as she surveyed the silent students.

No one dared to speak or move in case they interrupted her. Finally, I understood the meaning of the phrase you could have heard a pin drop. It was almost comical to see everyone's eyes fixed on the tiny woman who clearly held so much power here.

Today she wore a smart white suit that complimented her dark grey hair and made her look a little less severe. "The Wyld Academy has stood for almost two hundred years and taken in over nine thousand students in that time. Arch Mage Ernest O'Connor created our school with the simple mission; to teach students to protect themselves and others. Whilst its purpose has changed over time to match the needs of the world around us, one thing remains constant," she paused dramatically, "We are committed to making you the best versions of yourselves so you will make a lasting difference in our world and others. Our walls have held some of the greatest supernaturals the world has ever seen. Whether you are a legacy student, the first chosen in your family, or," her eyes landed on me, "something else entirely, the academy has chosen you and it doesn't make mistakes."

Her words echoed in my mind. It doesn't make mistakes? Then what was I? Because I sure as heck didn't belong here.

After another long pause to let those words sink in, she smiled, "Over the years you are here you will be put to the test in ways you could never have imagined. You may have heard rumours, perhaps put out there by older years." Her eyes moved to a few tables who tittered nervously, "but I would like to reassure you that we have not experienced the death of a student in nearly fifty years. We may push you to your limits, but you do so with the support of our expert staff. Do your best and you will know only success here. Without further ado, please eat. Your first class begins in forty-five minutes."

Conversation immediately erupted around us, but my eyes stayed fixed on the teacher's table where more than one openly stared at me. It was clear they questioned what the hell the school was thinking just as much as I did.

"Well, at least we don't have to actually worry about graduate or die." Nancy joked, bumping my shoulder with her own.

I shot her a smile I didn't quite feel, "Less chance of imminent death always brightens up a... wait what day of the week is it?"

"Thursday." Enzo offered as he piled his plate high with pancakes.

My stomach rolled as I reached for a single piece of toast to put on mine. "Who starts a new school year on a Thursday?"

Nancy laughed, "I said the same thing to my mum. You know I think they-"

Her cheery chatter seemed to fade out as something prickled the edge of my mind. Eyes on me here was nothing new, but this felt stronger, more... venomous. I couldn't quite describe it but I'd never felt hate quite like it and my hands curled into fists, ready to protect myself if I needed to.

I glanced over my shoulder and searched the sea of people for whoever it was out there that was causing this unsettling feeling. But there was nothing, no one out of the ordinary. Not that anything here could really be classed as ordinary.

"Hey are you ok." Enzo's voice broke through my concentration and my eyes shot back to the table.

"Yeah." I forced a smile to put his concern to rest. "Just a lot to take in."

He gave me a lopsided grin that made heat rise in my cheeks unexpectedly. "Don't worry, we will watch out for you."

Nancy's arm wrapped around me in a hug, even as her other hand shoved what had to be her third or fourth pastry in. "What he said."

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