Chapter 8

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My mind was buzzing with fresh knowledge, and I didn't quite know what to make of it all. Listening as the Profesor explained the well of magic within every supernatural and how they were each able to access in their own way was like something out of a fairytale.

As he described it, I reached inside of myself hopefully. Feeling around for that warmth or hum he promised was there. I don't know why. Perhaps the excitement of this world had convinced me I might be something more than what I have believed. To be met with plain human nothingness at my core was the biggest disappointment I had felt in a long time.

I wanted so badly to have faith that the school hadn't made a terrible mistake and there was a reason I was here, but when had life ever been on my side?

As the Professor made his way towards the door and opened it to dismiss us, he spoke. "Before the next class I need you to all write a quick five hundred word piece on what magic means to you."

Oh great. Write about something I've known exists for all of a couple of days and have next to no understanding of. What an absolutely fantastic idea... not.

As if sensing my lack of enthusiasm as I made my way down the steps towards him, the Professor smiled kindly. "There is no pass or fail to this task. It is just important to help me understand you and what this class can give you."

I muttered my thanks along with everyone else as we left. "Wow, what a cool class." Nancy gushed, practically skipping alongside me as we made our way through the hallways to grab lunch.

"Yeah, it was interesting." I murmured, forcing a smile in response.

"I could think of one or two more interesting things I would have rather been doing." a voice chuckled to my right.

I tensed before realising it was Blake and let myself relax again. "What do you want?"

"Love, I'm hurt. All I desire is to be in your presence." Blake grinned, dramatically clasping his hands to his heart as though my words wounded him.

I increased my speed, hoping to lose him in the crowds. When that didn't work, I tossed my hair, which was already escaping from the bun I had thrown it into and getting in my eyes. "Well, you can take your desire and shove it-"

I wasn't quite sure how it happened, but Nancy stumbled and I found myself falling too before a muscular arm wrapped around me and righted me again. "Yes, little thief? Tell me exactly where you want to shove my desire." Blake breathed against my ear.

My body froze, and heat rushed through me as the students hurrying around us faded out and my whole body became hyperaware of his closeness. Every inch of skin touching mine seemed to set my body on fire. "I didn't mean-" I stammered out, trying to twist out of his grasp.

I sensed rather than saw him smile. "Has anyone ever told you, you're hot when you're all flustered? I hope not because I want to be the only one who makes you like this."

"Do you guys need a minute or...?" Nancy gave a nervous laugh, her voice filled with uncertainty.

My eyes shot to her and I was suddenly reminded we were in a crowded hallway surrounded by people.. For a moment, his voice had somehow made the entire world melt away and I totally forgot myself.

"Let me go." I snapped.

He released me instantly, and I stepped back, allowing students to pass between us. There were huffs of irritation at us blocking the halls, but he didn't seem to notice or care. His entire focus was on me and it was doing weird things to my insides.

"We should go." Nancy encouraged, tugging at me away.

I let her pull me a few paces, my eyes still fixed on Blake's. There was something in his expression. A question perhaps?

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