Chapter 25

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Being punched repeatedly in the face was not exactly how I expected to spend my afternoon, but it seemed that my classmate had other ideas.

I blocked the next blow to my cheek by bringing my arms up the way we had been taught. The second blow connected with my stomach and my breath came out of me in a wheeze. How the hell were they so damn fast?

The streets had toughened me and taught me how to fight, but it was very different when you were against trained professionals, rather than other scrappy survivors.

Every time I even thought of playing dirty, that whistle blew and the teacher shot me another disapproving look, as though they knew exactly where my mind was heading. Perhaps they did. They seemed able to predict every move I was about to make, citing cues I was apparently giving as the reveal.

Swiping my leg out, I attempted to knock my opponents from underneath him. He smirked as he easily kept his balance by widening his stance, and his hand shot out, grabbing my wrist and spinning me.

Within seconds, I was face down on the ground and one hand pinned beneath me, the other held against my back. A huff of annoyance burst out as I twisted my head to see him better. He stood straddling my legs. One well placed kick back into him would take him down and my body tensed to deliver just that.

The whistle blew and as quickly as he had taken me down; the guy was next to me, with a hand out to help me stand.

Flipping onto my back, I reluctantly took it and allowed him pull me up.

"You're not bad for someone with no training." He offered, "No hard feelings?"

"There are rules for a reason, Winters." The teacher barked before I could reply.

I rolled my eyes. "No hard feelings. Give me a few weeks and I'll be kicking your arse, don't you worry."

The guy whose name escaped me grinned. "I look forward to it."

With sweat rolling down my back and making my top cling uncomfortably to my skin, I stalked over to the bench and slumped alongside my classmates. Looking around at the others who squared up for their own turn, I could see a marked difference in the way they held themselves.

It was clear I had a lot to learn.

Movement at the edge of the stadium caught my eye as another class filed in and my breath caught as I spotted a familiar figure. As if sensing eyes on him, Blake turned.

Our eyes connected across the stadium grounds and it was then I realised I was doomed. A feeling fluttering in my chest that was impossible to ignore and the most foolish thing I could do. I trusted him.

Despite the danger he was said to pose, the things I had witnessed, and the horrors that lurked in his past. He looked at me like I was the only person there. The only one who mattered, at least.

All those years I had spent running and afraid and alone and one man - one dark, fearsome man - was enough to strip away my defences in a few short days.

It wasn't love, not yet at least, but it was more than I had dared to give anyone in so many years.

"Would it make a difference if I told you that he was bad news and anything with him was a terrible idea?" Nancy asked, joining me after a round of her own.

I blinked and looked back at her. My cheeks flushed. "I don't know what you mean."

She raised a brow. "Don't play dumb. Has something happened between you two? He can't take his eyes off of you."

"Nothing." I replied quickly.

Too quickly. Both brows shot up this time. "Just how much 'nothing' at we talking here? Is he why you skipped lunch and breakfast with me?"

My gaze flickered to where Blake now practised a series of different movements with a sword. "Not breakfast." I corrected quietly.

"So you had lunch with him?"

I pulled my eyes away from him. "He's not the monster everyone makes him out to be."

Nancy shook her head. "He's a vampire, Erica. And if that weren't bad enough, he's one from a bad family. One of the worst."

"He can't help who his family is anymore than I can help not knowing mine."

"It's a very different situation and you know it."

I looked back, and him and caught him watching me. A smile tugged up the corners of my mouth as he grinned.

"Oh, you have it bad." Nancy chuckled.

"No, I... I do like him, but... it's just... fuck." I groaned, covering my burning cheeks with my hand.

"It's ok. I mean Enzo is definitely going to be pissy about it, but you can't help it, I guess. The heart wants what it wants and yours like bad boy vampires."

"Not even sure what my heart wants." I muttered, turning my body to make sure I wasn't tempted to sneak another look at him.

"But you like him?"

I nodded. "He's a lot sweeter than he lets on. And chatting to him today? It was nice."

The confession has her grinning. "I called it. You guys have chemistry. Whether I think it's a good idea or not, doesn't really matter. I'm your friend and I'm here for you, however it plays out."

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