Chapter 16

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The next day it was Nancy who woke me again after promising to go with me to the library and research the fae. We hoped that it being Sunday would mean it was quieter and we might be able to get more done with fewer interruptions.

Enzo joined us at breakfast, but had to cry off coming to the library thanks to his extra training sessions. A note on my desk this morning had told me I had my first one this afternoon as well, and I hoped I'd be able to learn a bit more before it at least so I didn't feel I was going in entirely clueless.

"I'll see you guys later." Enzo said, pulling me into an impromptu hug, "Stay safe. "

He whispered the last bit against my hair. I wasn't sure entirely what dangers he expected me to encounter in the school library, but knowing my luck, if there were any they'd find me.

By the time I was pulling back, Nancy was already heading off towards the library and I jogged after her. "Are you ok?" I asked when I got alongside her and saw her lips pressed together in a thin line.

"Fine." She replied with feigned disinterest.

It took me a few minutes before it finally hit me. This was jealousy and hurt. "How long have you been in love with him?" I asked.

Her eyes widened just enough for me to know I was right and she quickened her pace. "Who?"

I raised my eyebrows as if to say, there was no point in lying to me at this point. "Enzo."

She opened and closed her mouth a few times before speaking. "I don't... he doesn't... We've known each other all our lives, he doesn't see me that way."

"Maybe, but you see him that way."

"It's not like that, anyway he likes-" she cut herself off, clapping a hand to her mouth.

"He told me he likes me, but I'm not going there. Especially not if it will hurt you. I've not had many female friends in my life. In fact, just one before you. I'm not about to risk that over a boy."

Tears welled in her eyes. "You don't have to give anything up to stay my friend. If you want to be with him, just say. I've seen him with other girls. I can get past it and at least I actually like you more than the ones he's been with before."

I shook my head. "Even if you think you can handle it, I don't want you to have to. I couldn't be with someone my best friend likes. He's a nice guy, but I'd rather see you and him together. Have you thought about just telling him how you feel?"

They would make a great couple, I could already picture them together. She brought a sweetness and fun that lightened him up and he brought an intensity she would flourish under.

All at once, my feelings weren't confused anymore, they were focused on getting these two together, or even to take a chance on a date.

"I've tried, I just chicken out. He's going to be High Priest of our coven and is a big deal. I'm just me." She protested.

I shook my head, "Don't you ever let me hear you putting yourself down like that again young lady. I'm not going to force you to tell him, but if and when you're ready to, if you need help, just speak to me ok?"

Nancy gave me a watery smile. "I don't know why but this is not how I saw this conversation going."

I shot her a wink, and we continued into the library. "I'm full of surprises!" I whispered.

Just as we had hoped, the library was abandoned, and the librarian was only too happy to answer questions and direct us to useful areas.

After hours of reading and making notes I closed a book on the types of fae and where to find them, stretching my hands over my head with a yawn.

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