Chapter 12

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"It is with great sadness that I have to share with you the news of the passing of Maeve Montgomery, one of our first-year students." Mrs Kennedy explained solemnly from the raised platform, her eyes moving over the sea of students.

Her all-black suit and lent itself well to the already serious air and tear-stained faces in the crowd showed just how hard the news had hit everyone.

Other year groups were a mix of shock and disbelief as we collectively mourned someone we hardly knew.

"You might have heard rumours about what has happened, but the only information I am able to share with you right now is that a full investigation is underway so we can ensure the safety of all." She cleared her throat, "As those who knew Maeve will know she was hardworking, kind and always willing to help other students. It is with this in mind and in her memory that her family have asked us to plant a garden in her memory where students can take a moment and read empowering messages spelled into the walls around it. If you'd like to provide an empowering quote, please speak to my office by the end of next week."

She paused, allowing everyone to absorb that news. When chatter began to break out she raised her hand. "As part of the investigation everyone will be interviewed and asked to provide a short statement and submit to scanning. The team will be working through the list in alphabetical order throughout the day. If anyone has information, they would like to give they can provide it during their session or through making an appointment with my office. Finally, I know this news has been a shock, and I have organised to have counselling staff on hand over the coming months. Anyone can receive this support and you can access it anonymously using the computers in the library if you'd prefer. Thank you for your time and I wish you a safe rest of your day."

I turned to Nancy who forced a reassuring smile despite the fact she looked as exhausted as I felt and I knew she had panicked when she realised I was gone after she woke up.

"We should probably get to class." She said quietly.

Enzo gave her shoulder a squeeze as he stood. "I'm in private training this session but I'll see you both at lunch?"

Nancy and I nodded, and he cut through the crowd and disappeared. I turned to Nancy to ask if she knew the way to ours and noticed her focus was on her phone. "Everything ok?" I asked.

"Oh," She laughed nervously. "Yeah, sorry, my family are a bit worried so I was just calming them down."

"Don't apologise. It's cute that they care." I replied, moving my still full breakfast plate onto the pile everyone was making.

It seemed I wasn't the only one who didn't really have much of an appetite today.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's so inconsiderate of me. You aren't able to contact your family and here I am going on about mine." Nancy looked horrified as she hurriedly joined me moving towards the exit.

"No, you're anything but inconsiderate. I don't have any family left to contact, but it doesn't mean I don't want you to talk about yours. Why don't you tell me about them on our way to our," I consulted my schedule, "Interspecies understanding class?"

"There's not much to tell." She smiled, looping an arm through mine and towing me up the stairs to classrooms I hadn't yet explored. "It's just my mum, dad and sister."

My heart gave a pang of longing, "Older or younger? I've always wanted a sister."

"Older." the sadness I sometimes saw returned to Nancy's face, "Jenna was in an accident a few years ago and she hasn't been quite the same since."

Her hand tightened on my arm and I wrapped my fingers around it, giving what I hoped was a comforting squeeze back. "I'm so sorry Nance, is there anything they can do to help?"

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