Chapter 19

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"Enzo." I called out, catching up to him as he left the dining hall with a paper bag of food in hand.

It was clear he had been hoping to avoid me and my heart ached a little at the knowledge. I hadn't wanted to hurt him. In fact, I had been trying to think of ways to let him down gently and encourage him in Nancy's direction but now I very much doubted he would go anywhere I suggested.

"You knew how I felt about you, how I feel about him." He snapped coldly, continuing to walk away.

My heart clenched, and I hurried to keep up "Yes, I know but you didn't tell me why and now I know. It wasn't his fault, unless you've got proof that says otherwise?"

He scoffed and shook his head. "Of course you'd believe him"

"Look I know you're hurt and I couldn't imagine the pain of losing your aunt-" I started.

His face was twisted with fury. "No, you couldn't because you don't understand what it's like to have a family that really love you and lose one of them. You don't know what it's like to see the pain it causes everyone else for days, months, years even."

I reeled back, "Low blow. Ok, I may not know that, but I know pain and sadness. I could see them in Blake's eyes when he told me what happened."

He shook his head, "What reason could he have to be sad? Did he only get ninety-nine gifts for his birthday instead of the hundred he wanted? My heart bleeds."

I ignored the jabs, telling myself he was only lashing out because he was hurting. "He feels bad for what his dad did but it wasn't him."

Enzo's eyes narrowed. "Is that what he told you?"

"Is there something he missed out?" I countered, tiring fast of the games.

"My aunt wasn't just tested on, they fed on her. She was covered in a child's bite marks. I know he had something to do with her death and I'm not resting until I get the truth. So if you're with him, you're against me because I'm not going to let you close enough to betray me and let him know what I know."

Before I could reply again, he marched off, and I didn't have the energy to chase him down.

"What was all that about?" Nancy's sweet, concerned voice caught me by surprise as her hand touched my shoulder.

"I don't even know." I replied still a little stunned.

"Are you ok?" she probed.

"I just-" I ran a hand through my hair, "I'm whatever the opposite of having your shit together is Nancy."

"Do you want to talk about it over lunch?" she asked, and I nodded weakly, allowing her to lead me inside.

Grabbing a preloaded tray of food each we made our way towards an empty table as I explained what had just happened and watched Nancy's eyes widen so much I thought they were in real danger of falling out.

"You actually kissed Blake mother-fucking King? That is wow." She looked caught somewhere between impressed and concerned.

"I know you warned me away from him but there's something there and he really isn't the terrible person Enzo seems to believe." I attempted to reassure her.

"I don't doubt it. I only warned you off him because I thought you were human and I knew it would piss off Enzo. At this point, you're fae enough to be able to hold your own against a vampire and Enzo is pissed, so you might as well just carry right on at this point hun." She laughed.

I nodded, "True, but I don't want him pissed off at me. Beside how am I going to set you two up if he won't talk to me?"

Nancy's shook her head and gave an embarrassed smile, "Don't you worry about that. I'll work it out at some point. I'm just going to grab a spoon, did you need anything?"

I shook my head and watched as she hurried back to the cabinet near the entrance.

With her gone I was able to hear a little of the conversations around us and I leaned my head back with a sigh as I listened to the random dramas other people had.

It wasn't until I heard my name that my head snapped around to look in the direction it came.

Sat on the raised platform were three teachers. "Can you believe all that fuss over the Erica girl and that might be all she's descended from?" one laughed.

I tensed and found myself on my feet and hurrying towards them before I could stop myself.

"I know. I mean she could have slept with someone stronger but at her level she more than likely watered down anything he passed on." laughed another.

Their faces pales as they spotted me approaching. I stopped at the edge of the platform, my whole body trembling with rage. "Aside from being hugely unprofessional to discuss a student in public like this." I began, "Don't you think I should know whatever it is you've discovered about my parents."

The first one that spoke opened his mouth and I could tell instantly he was going to lie, "Sorry, we cannot discuss another student's information with you." he said with a patronising smile.

"You and I both know you were talking about me. I'm guessing you're how another student discovered I was fae before I told anyone as well?"

I dismissed his denials with a wave of my hand.

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me what you know."

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, and everyone stood to make their way to class.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked with quiet concern at my shoulder.

"I'm sure someone will share it with you when they have more information or you can request access to look at your student file yourself." The teacher said, before hurrying off with the others making a hasty exit.

"They know something about my parents Nancy, I have to find out. Will you help me go and break out my student file. I can't wait for however long the official process is going to take." I pleaded.

She shifted on the spot looking uncomfortable. "They said they'll tell you when they're ready."

"That's not the point Nancy, they know something now."

I remembered how they had laughed as they discussed it, and annoyance ran through me again. It was my life. I deserved to know what they did.

"I know but surely it's best to wait for them to share all the facts with you. They wouldn't withhold information without having a good reason." Nancy said weakly.

"So you're not going to help me?" I asked, trying not to let my irritations show.

I had already alienated one friend today and I couldn't really afford to do the same to my remaining one as we returned to the table with our food and collected our things.

"I just think it's better to wait." She said softly.

I pushed aside the flash of hurt as I stood. "That's fine. I'm just going to go for a little walk. Clear my head."

"What about class?"

"I think I'm going to sit this one out." I told her,

"You're not going to do anything stupid are you?"

"Who me?" I scoffed, "Never."

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