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June 30, 2022- Malacañang Palace

"When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt through a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen.

Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not there- even if they are only in the very next room.

Your soul only feels their absence- it doesn't realise the separation is temporary."

-Lang Leav


'Why are you out here, Wowo?' Andy, my three year old son asked Daddy.
'Ohh, I'm just taking pictures of Babba. She's beautiful, isn't she?'

I smiled upon hearing Daddy's answer. Indeed, my Mommy really is the most beautiful.

In case you don't know me yet... Hi, I'm Clea. I am the daughter of Irene and Greggy, sister to my brothers- Kuya Alfie and Luis. Wife to Josh, mother to Andy. And do you know where we are? That's right. The seat of power to the Philippine government- Malacañang Palace.

It's Tito Bong's inauguration. He made it, finally. The 17th President of the Republic. But, that's too boring, I suppose. So instead of me telling you all about that, why don't you walk with me to a trip down the memory lane to where the story of my life began.

Where Mommy first met Daddy. The very same spot to where my Dad is standing now, with his three year old grandson, as he takes pictures of his wife.

Shall we?

It was here, on the grounds of the garden of the palace that this five year old, youngest daughter to the President.. first fell in love with the seventeen year old son of a businessman.

Their story always brings joy and happiness to me. I can't even remember how was I when I was five, except for the part.. when Mommy first found me.

That chubby little girl who was crying on the staircase because she got no one to help her fix herself for the recital. That's when I first called her "Mommy".

If there is one thing that I will forever be thankful for? That would be what happened almost eight years ago.

Mommy never got the chance to hear me say my first words. But I was privileged enough to hear her last. It has been out source of strength in all those times we're close to breaking from missing her.

It was eight years, Mommy. But I can still hear it clearly in my mind.

"I love you."

Right in the middle of the road, in front of Daddy's building, that fateful accident sealed our family's fate.

She was a day short in celebrating her 54th. We were supposed to have dinner while watching the sun sets.

Mommy sustained fatal internal injuries that caused the bleeding without anyone knowing. She was coherent until we were brought to the hospital. While I was the unresponsive one. Doctors were attributing it to the fact that when our body suffered severe trauma, it would go into shock for it to survive.

That's what happened with me. I can hear Mommy and Daddy, but try as I might.. I can't move, I can't open my eyes, I can't speak. But I heard her. Loud and Clear.

"I love you."

And after couple of hours of Mommy going into coma, she passed away at 8:32 in the evening.

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