Chapter One

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"Wow." Happy says, the neon yellow 2013 Volkswagen Beetle grinning up at him. "This really is something Mr. Stark."

"Nothing but the best for you my dear!" Tony Stark says, somewhat sarcastically. He had known that Happy wouldn't love the design, but he had built it any way, from a pile of rust to the shinning vehicle before them, just for Happy's birthday. Well, that was stretching the truth a bit.

Originally, the car had been for himself, to put together on late nights when his memories where haunting him, as a distraction, but Happy's Birthday had been a valid excuse.

"Don't you think it fits you, Happy, my dear FOREHEAD of Security?" Happy tries to interrupt, something about how Tony had promoted him a few months ago, but Tony keeps talking, "With its vibrant yellow exterior and enhanced interior." he waggles his eyebrows. "It's gorgeous."

Tony will never admit it, but he's grown to love this car. Maybe it was because it was his, he'd made it. He'd watched it grow from nothing... he wondered if Ultron could've turned out this way. Instead, he had caused a huge crisis last year. The Vision had been born, but that wasn't the same. Sure, he was originally, Tony's old AI, Jarvis, but he wasn't truly his creation.

"Let's take it for a test drive, shall we?"

Tony opens the passenger door, Happy doing the same on the driver's side, and Friday welcomes them. "Hello Mr. Stark. Mr. Hogan! Happy Birthday!" The inside of the car is much nicer than one might expect from the outside. There are holographic screens showing the car's condition, currently perfect, car controls like AC and SelfDrive, different Iron Man suits, the Google search page, and different security cameras in the area.

Tony presses a button, and the screens blink out. He can see Happy's face fall in the corner of his eye, but that's something for happy to play with later. He wants to talk to Happy now, while they drive.

"Where are we headed, boss?" Happy asks, starting the engine.

"How about Queens?" Tony asks, somewhat tentatively, which has been something new for him lately. Something Pepper told him to try out.

Happy tenses up, gripping the wheel. Tony sees him take a deep breath, then nod, and the car starts moving.

After a few minutes Tony turns to Happy and says, with renewed confidence, "Hey, I have an idea for the name of the car..." he pauses for suspense, "the HAPPYMOBILE!" Happy rolls his eyes, and Tony is glad that released the tension... at least for now. The subject couldn't be avoided. Not once they got there.

They joke around for a little while, delaying the inevitable. But once they get into Queens Tony has to bring it up. "Happy... I'd just like to say that I'm sorry about May."

Happy seems to have been expecting this, and he immediately says, "Can we not talk about this now? Or ever?"

"Happy... I'm sorry. But you've been so different. You were happy, Happy. But now... I miss you."

Happy sniffs, but keeps driving down the streets. "Did I ever tell you about Peter, Tony? He was her nephew. His parents are gone... She was all he had left. We were both with her when... He just ran out of the room. He left. I haven't seen him since."

This is news to Tony. He new May had been looking after Peter, but he had assumed that Peter had other family, someone else to take care of him.

"I look for him, I ask around, ever night after work," Happy sniffs again, gripping the wheel tightly. "I don't know what happened." He turns to Tony. "I hope he's okay."

Tony looks at the road, thinking. Than he starts and grabs Happy's shoulder. "STOP! HAPPY! STOP!" The car screeches to a stop, but its too late, someone's face smashes into the windshield.

Happy stares in recognition. "P-p... Peter."


I'm hesitant to publish this. This is my first time writing Fan-Fiction, soooo... If anyone reads this and has tips... feel free to tell me!!!

The next chapter is from Peter's perspective, after May dies. I HOPE you like this!!!

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