Chapter 30

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Peter! Peter! Speedy Boy kidnapped me-- and I kind of like that actually, but that's beside the point-- and we did something, and Stark is mad, and Vision when AWOL and started hologramming lava-- and SAVE OUR SOULS!

Loki of Asguard mews in Peter's face, but the midgaurdian doesn't understand him. Suddenly, all of the Avengers burst from the hall, craving blood-- or respite from the lava. Sadly, as soon as Birdy 1, Birdy 2, Metal man 1, Metal man 2, Speedy Boy, Witchy Lady, and Scary Green Man come flying out of the hall, the Bringer of Death appears floating behind them.

The plastic red man is hovering, feet pointed, staring at his prey. A beam of light pours from the sparkly stone in the center of his head, casting the illusion of lava flowing down the hall along with him.

Peter clutches Loki to his chest, and Birdy 1 bursts past him and leaps onto the ceiling fan, though the purple and black assassin has already tried this tactic, and it failed. Birdy 2 unfurls his metal wings and uses whatever device is strapped to his back to hover-- something he can only do in high ceilinged rooms-- and until the lava rises so high.

Scary Green man tries to climb onto a lamp, wrapping his limbs around it, and Speedy Boy zooms behind the Bringer of Death to try and distract him. The Metal Men are without their tin cans, and uselessly try and climb things like Scary Green man.

By the time Loki realizes the cat in him has been gaining-- simplifying everyone's names and staking claim to the god's mind-- everyone has reached high ground-- that is, except for the five Loki had stumbled upon.

Suddenly Black Widow and Captain America leap into action-- finding other places of elevation-- and Peter, after a second, leaps into the air, still clutching Loki to his chest, landing on the ceiling near Birdy 2-- the Falcon.

The Bringer of Death-- Loki lets that name slide-- emerges from the hall, the lava slowly seeping along with him. Peter's friends-- what where their names-- MJ and... what was it? Jeb?-- they sit there dumbly-- staring at the creature coming out of the hall.

Suddenly the creature pauses, and, though the hologram is still flowing, introduces himself. "Hello, I am Vision-- who are you--"

"Vis!" Wanda Maximoff yells.

"Yes, Wanda, you're right..." While the android's attention is diverted, Peter smashes his web shooter button, pulling MJ and Jeb up to them. This only seems to increase the girl's fear-- ah! He remembered this girl now. She seemed nice. Well... In a way a Loki would appreciate.

Suddenly a new aura comes to Loki's attention-- just as Peter's had a few moments ago. However-- this one brought a sense of confidence-- and terror. The person was in the elevator.

Meanwhile, in the wrecked lobby, the lava slowly rises, about to envelop Scary Green Ma-- Bruce Banner's leg. He screams in panic, and Loki just prays the other guy doesn't make an appearance.

Pietro jumps onto Vision's back, wrapping his arms around the android's neck, and suddenly the hologram goes off kilter-- Vision swings his head in an effort to shake the kid off-- but he doesn't manage. Suddenly Pietro falls through him--falling through the lava and effectively becoming out.

Wanda screams-- "NOOOO! Pietro!!!"

Loki too feels a pang. He knows that it's just an illusion and that this favored midguardian is not indeed dead, but it still hurts to watch. He wonders if Thor ever felt something similar when he "died" in front of him. Twice.

The elevator is rising-- but so is the lava. In spite of his heroic attempts, Bruce is soon dead. Loki wouldn't mind if the Scary Green Beast was gone forever, though Dr. Banner seemed timid-- and therefore likely to allow Loki to be king-- enough.

As the elevator rises, more and more of the Avengers die-- Jeb lets go of the spiderweb Peter had shot-- whether or accident or on purpose, Loki knows not-- and plummets to his death. This triggers a chorus of screaming from MJ and Peter, joining the howling from all of the Earth's mightiest heroes.

On occasion, a hand would rise from the lava and tug at an ankle, to one of these attempts-- surely from Pietro-- Wanda screamed-- "nOt tHe LaVa mOnStErS!" Which effectively solidified this trend.

Loki almost wants to worm out of Peter's protecting arms, just to see who would mourn when he died. As the temptation grows, Loki's cat eyes pick out Pietro from under the illusion. The boy sees him watching, and motions. No one else can see under the lava-- and Loki pushes off of Peter's body, launching himself into the maga.

Peter and MJ erupt into a chorus of "NOOO!!! FISH! ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!" and Loki surprised to hear some of the Avengers-- his enemies-- join in.

Soon he arrives next to the boy with the relatable aura, who grins at him. "I didn't see that coming!"

Just at that moment, the scary Aura arrives, the elevator doors sliding open. All the screaming stops, and suddenly the lava hologram drops. "Tony!"

Loki doesn't even have to turn to know who the fearsome creature is. Pepper Potts. The Bringer of Chores.

Another one! I think that's all for today... but don't take my word for it. Never take my word for it.

Have a great day/night/week guys!



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