Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Peter wakes up in a bed too comfortable in a room too dark. His arm throbs and he wonders where he was. It was too nice to be his nest. He rolls over and groggily sits up, reaching for Fish, and staring blankly at the wall when he can't find the creature. He suddenly realizes where he is. Blackout curtains cover the floor to ceiling windows and he can't tell what time it is.

"Friday?" He asks tentatively, "what time is it?"

"It is 1:36 PM, Peter," the cheerful AI responds. Peter groans before she continues. "Mr. Stark as excused you from school today, and claimed your month of absence to be part of your internship. Should I pull back the curtains, Sir?"

Peter nods, and the curtains glide to the side as he gets out of bed.careful of his cast, he finds clean clothes in a drawer and brings them into the bathroom attached to his room. He takes a hot shower, relishing the warm water.

As soon as he looks presentable, neon cast excluded, he asks Friday where Mr. Stark wants him.

"Mr. Stark said you where malnourished and need a large breakfast, especially because you have an enhanced quick metabolism. Follow me to the kitchen."

Quietly he opens the door, following the AI's instructions to reach the kitchen. He was worried he'd run into any of the nine Avengers who lived in the tower, and he thought he was off the hook, until he reaches the kitchen.

When Peter walks through the door way he freezes. Three people where there, eating lunch. One is the Vision, an Android who the media had just blown up about. The other two he has trouble placing. One is a girl with brown hair, the other a boy, whose hair looks bleached at the top. He was standing up, leaning on the island, fidgeting.

They all look up when Peter walks in. For a moment they show no expression, but then the boy darts over to him, faster then should be possible, and puts a hand on his shoulder. "You must be Peter," he says, with an accent. "Stark told me about you." He says Stark slightly different from the rest of his words, like ge doesn't like him.

Peter stares at him, trying to understand who he is. "I'm Pietro," the boy says, " this is my sister, Wanda." The girl smiles at him, and nods in greeting. "And this, is my dear friend the Vision," Pietro dashes over to hang his arm around Vision's neck.

Abruptly, two dots connect in Peter's mind. "You're the really fast guy!" Pietro grins and nods. "Does that mean that you-" he says, turning to Wanda, but she is using her powers, trying to get something from the top of the fridge.

"Wanda!" Vision says, "Mr. Stark said no. It's not for you, it's for Peter." Peter tries to see over the top of the fridge. It looks like a metal box, but there could be anything inside of it.

"I was getting it down for him, Vis," she says innocently, with the same accent as Pietro. Vision rolls his eyes.

"Well- I'm Peter. Nice to meet you guys." He shakes each of their hands, but doesn't say anything about Spider-Man. He doesn't know whether or not Mr. Stark told them about his abilities.

"Peter, can I make you lunch?" Pietro asks, this time it's Wanda's turn to roll her eyes.

"He's just gonna show off," she grumbles. Pietro's grin only intensifies. Peter wants to see his powers at work.

"What would you like?" Peter thinks for a moment, then asks for a cheeseburger. Pietro thinks for a second, then speeds out of the room.

"He's not even going to make it," Wanda mutters. Seconds later Pietro appears, holding a McDonalds bag. "You didn't even wait in line? You went right into the kitchen?"

"I paid for it!" Pietro hands Peter the bag, head turned in Wanda's direction.

"You tossed a fifty on the counter. What is the chance they're going to find it before some one takes it?" Wanda directs her attention back to Peter. "Let me make you dinner. You will not be disappointed." Pietro rolls his eyes, but Peter nods, his face half buried in a burger.

Pietro takes a deep bow. "Pietro Maximoff, Fastest delivery... ever. At your services."

"Still need to work on that phrase Pietro." Vision says. He turns his gaze to Peter. "Mr. Stark wants to be their when you open the box. He's out for now, but he'll be back by dinner.

Peter nods, dipping a french fry into ketchup. "Do any of you know what's inside?"

Vision shakes his head, and so does Wanda. Pietro darts up to the fridge. "I could..." Vision glares at Pietro, who comes down from the counter slowly. "Or I couldn't."

Peter sighs but nods, still devouring his food. "Once your done with that, Vision says, "you'll have to meet the others."

Peters eyes widen as Vision continues, "Bruce is particularly excited to meet you. I suppose you are a good student?"

Peter almost chokes on a fry. Another one of his heroes, Dr. Bruce Banner, is excited to meet him?

"But Steve, Clint, and Natasha are all on a mission now. Something about a bank? They'll be back soon.

Peter nods, he was going to meet the rest of the Avengers. Bruce Banner was excited to meet him. Mr. Stark had some kind of gift for him? He couldn't wait until dinner time.


Hi!!! Sorry I haven't posted in two weeks, there were school finals and then Christmas... busy times.

Thank you so much for 1k reads on AO3!!!! That's amazing! And 100 on Wattpad is awesome too.

I know this chapter wasn't from Tony's perspective, but I thought this would be more interesting then him waking up at dinner time and finding Peter best friends with the Avengers.

I also know this chapter seems cut short, and that's because I saw that it was getting kinda long. I will probably post again today, if that's any consolation.

Kudos and comments are always appreciated :)

Thank you so much!!! :D

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