Chapter 10

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Mr. Stark places the box on the ground in the living area, and Peter tenses. He has been waiting for this moment all day. What ever was in there would be amazing.

The rest of the Avengers sit on a couches around him, and Mr. Stark sits down next to Steve. "What are you waiting for?" Pietro says impatiently. "Open it, Peter."

Peter cautiously approaches the box, finding the latches to open it. As he lifts the box's lid, his jaw drops. He pulls out the suit, turning to Mr. Stark.

"For real? Mr. Stark, this is amazing!" It looked great. It would be so much better then the sweatshirt he had been using. The mask even had goggles like the ones he'd had, made of the same material. "This is so cool..."

When he looks up again, everyone else looks confused. Mr. Stark stands up. "Alright Peter, I suppose you'll want to try it out? Go put it on, I'll explain to everyone."

Peter nods and dashes into the floor's bathroom. The suit seems a little big, but that couldn't be right... he accidently pushes the spider emblem on his chest, and suddenly it fits like a glove. "This is awesome..."

"Hello Peter," a female voice says. He whirls around room looking for someone else, but he realizes it must be an AI in the suit.

"Friday?" he asks, tentatively. 

"I am not the same program as Friday, but I am yet to be named. What would you like me to answer to?"

"Umm... I don't know. Can I think on it?" He stares around the room. He can see a lot of controls and graphs on the edges of his vision.

"Of course Peter."

He opens the door and walks back into the  living room. Tony is still talking, and Steve looks confused. Bruce however looks fascinated.

"Peter!" Suddenly Pietro is right next to him. "Why didn't you tell us you had powers? That would've made the game way more fun."

"I didn't know how you guys would take it. Then only one other person new I was Spiderman- oh, and Mr. Stark, I guess." He isn't really sure how he felt about everyone else knowing about this. His secret identity helped him protect his family and friends- but now he doesn't have family. Or friends. At least, he assumes so. He hasn't talked to them in a month.

"Ready kid?" Mr. Stark's hand lands on his shoulder, and Peter nods. This was going to be great.

Soon they're in the street. Tony in his Ironman suit, everyone else following close behind. Peter is anxious that his skills won't be what they expected, or hoped for.

"All right Peter. I want to see what you got. There are web shooters in the suit, I think they work the same way yours did originally."


"Show us what you got, kid."

Peter hesitates a second, sensing all of the Avengers' eyes on him. Then he does a backflip, launching himself into the air, landing on the side of the Avenger's Tower. He shoots a web over to a building across the street, swinging quickly, grabbing a flag pole. Then he jumps to the next building, following his instincts.

He weaves between the buildings, flipping through the sky, enjoying the exhilaration he felt every time he swung through the city. Except this was better then normal. The suit was much more aerodynamic, and every movement was easier. The webs shot faster and farther, and it was as if the suit was helping him, sensing his whim and doing whatever it could to make his movements easier and quieter.

After a few minutes of his most impressive moves, at least in his opinion, he lunches himself off the roof of a building, flipping onto the flag pole he had used originally.

He looks at Mr. Stark, who had been hovering a safe distance away. Then he looks toward the Avengers. For a moment there is silence, then Tony says, "That was awesome kid."

"Really, Mr. Stark? I mean, its my first time in the suit, I tripped up a few times, and I almost didn't catch a web in time-"

"No, Pete, that was amazing. Good job."

Peter beams, "Thanks, Mr. Stark."

"PeTeR! pEtEr!" He turns to see the Maximoffs yelling at him. He swings down to them quickly.


"That was so cool," Wanda grins, "I wish I could flip like that."

"That was amazing Peter!" Pietro says, "You were holding out on us! That would've made the floor is lava soo much more exciting."

"Imagine what he could do when we train him," Steve says to Bruce,  he doesn't look nearly as confused now.

"We should train him in hand to hand combat and martial arts," Nat looks excited. "Ooh! Clint will LOVE this!"

Ironman's suit clangs to the ground behind Peter. "Whoa whoa whoa, training? He's just a kid!"

"What do you mean? He could probably beat me in a fight!" Steve says, crossing his arms.

"But he's only 15! He can't be in the Avengers!"

"Hey! We're only a few years older then him!" Wanda says. Peter pales. Being in the Avengers would be cool, Ned would be so happy! But at the same time, it would be terrifying. It had been bad enough as the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman.

"Pete, what's your take on this." The Ironman suit turns to Peter.

"I-I don't know sir..." he pauses, and then remembers Mr. Stark told him not to call him sir. "-I mean Mr. Stark! But umm... I don't think I'm ready to fight aliens like you guys."

"See!" Mr. Stark exclaims, but Peter interrupts.

"But I don't think that doesn't mean I can't train- for when I am ready."

Ironman puts his hand over his face, sighing. Steve smiles at Peter. "Fine,"  Mr. Stark says, "But you still have to go to school-" when Peter doesn't say anything, he continues, " AND be my intern."

"Okay Mr. Stark. That sounds good."

"And hopefully still have a social life," Mr. Stark mutters.

"Great!" Steve claps his hand onto Peter's shoulder, grinning. "Nat can train you- and Clint will help when he gets back."

"Awesome!" Peter says. "When do we start?"


Thanks again for reading this chapter! :D

I know its kind of late, but it still counts as this week... I think.

Feedback is always appreciated.

Have a good day my friends!

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