Chapter 22

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Peter shrugs Ned and MJ off once decathlon practice ends. He knows he's been acting off, distancing himself from them, not speaking much all day, not answering a single question in class--but he just feels so... exposed. Guilty.  They would ditch him if they knew what her was-- a murder.

Nevertheless, Peter rushes down to the curb, hood on, one earbud in, hoping against hope that a flashy sports car will be waiting for him. When he sees no cars, he stumbles backward like he took a punch to the gut, falling to the curb in despair.  

Was he really not good enough for Tony? Not good enough to be his intern? Of course, Tony was right. He was a murder. Hopefully next time he saw the Avengers they wouldn't be hunting him down.

He turns on his phone and quietly, dejectedly, fliting through pictures of the past few days. Him along with Steve and Nat goofing off, several of when the twins had stolen his phone, him and Bruce in hazmat suits--

He stops himself on the last picture of the week --one of him forcing Tony into a selfie. Mr. Stark had opened up to him throughout the past week. They had taken a selfie this morning before... before anything had happened, and both were smiling ear to ear.

He forces himself to swipe backward. He feels like he's been struck in the stomach. Him, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben sit around a table, laughing. This photo was more then a year old. He'd forgotten he'd uploaded this picture from his old phone.

Abruptly his spider sense alerts him to something, and his face jerks upward.

Mr. Stark stands in front of him, wearing his blazer over the pun T-shirt, along with his orange glasses. Peter has to double check he's not having a hallucination, but a neon yellow sports car stands, glinting behind Tony, and Peter can't help but grin. He quickly pauses his music and turns off his phone.

Tony really did want him. He wanted him to stay in the tower with him and the rest of the Avengers-- to train. Peter had almost forgotten Mr. Barton was supposed to start teaching him today.

 "Sorry I'm late, kid, but I had to get these papers figured out..." He motions at a stack in his hand. "If you're okay with it, and I can't help but hope that you are, I would like you to sign them."

"What does that do?" Peter asks as Tony plops down on the red-painted curb beside him.

"Makes me your legal guardian, at least for the time being."

Peter just gapes at Tony. Was this really happening? Did Tony Stark-- the Tony Stark, really want to be his guardian?

"I couldn't get you out of your absences with out it... soo..." he holds out the papers. Peter takes them and just stares at them. "Oh, yep, sorry, the pen." Tony pulls one out of his blazer pocket and hands it to Peter, who stares at it before accepting it.

A month ago if you told him this would be happening, he would've yelled at you for saying something too good ever to happen, something to only tantalize his mind while he slaved away working at minimum wage to live. Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark wanted Peter to sign these papers. Papers that would make Tony legally bound to take care of him.

He looks up at Tony to see if its a joke. The man's face reveals that it apparently is not. Peter uncaps the pen and carefully writes his name in as official looking script as he can, making sure everything is perfect. He's about to hand it back to Tony before he stops himself. "I forgot you don't like to be handed things."

"It's fine Underoos," Tony grunts, swiping the papers from him. 

"But... Mr. Stark-- T-thank you so much, Mr. Stark," Peter stutters.

"No problemo kid, one slight payment is required." Peter stares at him, confused. "I need you to help me win a prank war."

Sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm running late tonight...

Also that just felt like a really good ending, so...

About last week, once again I have a excuse. Drum roll please-- Vacation. With my family. Seeing as my spring break is now over, I will be able to post a little more reliably. Thank you all sooooo much, and please have a good day!

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