Chapter 2

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"No-" Peter says. "No!" Aunt May's hand falls out of his. Happy is behind him, he puts a hand on his shoulder, but Peter shrugs him off. He stares at the machine, the flat line on the screen. Even though he is Spiderman, he can't save anyone he loves. Aunt May is dead.

Happy tries to stop him, but Peter runs out of the room, his backpack swinging behind him. He runs past doctors and nurses, to the exit, to the door. The smell of disinfectant lingers in the air, and he hates it. He can hear Happy calling after him, but he's passing the front desk now. His legs can't carry him fast enough. He pushes himself to run faster.

He slams out of the front doors and runs the through the parking lot. He runs and runs, until he's sprinting down the streets of New York. There are too many people... he has to get out of the street, clear his head.

He ducks into an alley and hurriedly opens his back pack. He doesn't have the patience to put on the full suit, so he just puts on his mask, slings the bag over his shoulder, and than scales the building, quickly, faster than he ever has before.

Once he reaches the top he sprints until he reaches the edge, and from there he jumps, letting himself fall for a second before he shoots a web and starts swinging through the air. He keeps going, keeps running from the building, from May, until he makes it to his one of his favorite perches, on top of the Chrysler Building.

He can see so much from here. He loves coming here, on clear days, like today, he could see the Avengers Tower, and he stares at it think of what the heroes were doing. What Tony Stark was creating. But his thoughts circle back to the hospital room- to Aunt May's hand falling to the mattress. He sits there for a while, going through his thoughts, trying to be calm. What was he going to do now?

He doesn't want to bother Happy... He won't be able to afford the apartment... not with his job, and with school. He can't do this now. Not knowing that his last family member was gone. There were no others like him. He was alone...

This isn't going to work, He thinks, going on Patrol will clear my head. He puts on the rest of the suit and, still with his backpack, he can't loose another one, he jumps off the building, flipping through the air. Spiderman swings through the city, still moving faster than usual, but slightly calmer.

He looks for crime, for bad guys doing bad things... and he's stumped why he can't find any. Eventually, he hears a scream.

"Ahhh!" a woman's voice screams, it sounds like she's middle aged. "A cat." He drops down to the street to see a woman in a dark purple blouse and and very strange looking cat. Its black, but that's not the strange part. It's eyes are deep green, and its covered in golden stripes...or dots. Its hard to tell from here. One of it's ears is ripped, and, strangest of all, it actually looks like its happy to frighten the woman.

"Ahhh! A kid in tights!"

Peter rolls his eyes. "Spiderman actually. Let me help you with that," he grabs the cat, and shoots a web at the nearest building, carrying him into the air. Careful not to drop the creature, he thinks of what to do with it. It was obviously a stray. It had to collar, mangey fur with scars, and looked emaciated.

He can hear the lady behind him say, "Dreadful fashion sense."

He can't help but mutter, "Yeah you too lady." The cat makes a noise, in response, almost as if it agreed with him.

Peter wonders what to do with the creature. Was it the villain or the victim in that encounter? He assumes that the cat just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

He decides to take it home with him, as company, now that... now that he would need some. He swings toward his apartment, cat in hand. But seconds later, he almost drops out of the sky, instead he regains composure and lands on a near by roof.

The cat wasn't striped or dotted- well, if anything it would be stripes- there was tiny writing all over it. It looks like its in another language... he looks closer, it was one word over and over.


The cat hisses and claws at his cheek. Peter hesitates for a moment, wondering what that meant, and what to do, but then leaps back into the air, hoping that this wasn't the wrong decision. He brings the cat to his apartment, only a couple blocks away.

There he gets into his room through the window. He drops the cat, and shuts the window quickly. He takes off his costume, and goes to the kitchen, the cat following him every step of the way.

He put a bowl on the floor, and the cat sat, waiting for food. Was this normal cat behavior? Maybe its past owners had trained him. Or he just wants food. He gives the cat... they don't have cat food... or any meat, except for some old lunch meat. That would have to do, he decides.

He gives the cat the meat, along with another bowl filled with milk, wondering how to take care of a cat.


  Here's another Chapter! 

  The story will bounce from Tony's perspective in the present to Peter's in the past every chapter.

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