Chapter 24

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"Okay Pete," Tony's glad the entire debacle has been smoothed over, and cuts straight to the point. "Pietro and his squad have declared war. Friday, bring up the evidence." As Tony turns the wheel, driving down the road, a holographic screen plays the video in front of Peter.

A blur of color before the camera shuts off. When the lights turn on again, the vandalized Ironman suit stands before them, sparkling like a banner. Tony can tell Peter finds the "Team Fish" part hilarious.

Tony grins, glad to have something to bring the entire team together, to make Peter feel like he really belonged. Even if it involved half of the Avengers pranking-- fighting really-- the other half.

"So," the kid asks, once the hologram disappears, "what is our plan of attack?"

"I'm trying to think of one. I don't know what Pietro and Wanda are protective of... we can try the normal pranks, dye in their tooth brushes, fake vomit--"

Peter laughs. It takes a moment for him to realize Tony wasn't joking. "Mr. Stark... that stuffs old. Now with technology... pranking can get a whole lot funner. More fun," he corrects himself.

"What do you mean?" Tony asks.

Peter's happy to oblige. "I mean, prank text Pietro about some random fan who's hitting on him, get Wanda to accidentally tell Vision she likes him--"

"Hey, how do you know about that? You've been here for-- what, three days?"

"It's kind of obvious Mr. Stark. I could tell even before Pietro told me."

"Okay... lets do that second one then. How do we do that?"

"Prank texting. Pretend we're vision and confess our undying love, and then when she brings it up in real life then the truth will come out."

They're nearing the tower. "When should we do that?"

"As soon as possible. That way she won't suspect it."

"So, right now! Friday I need a ghost phone number, text Wanda-- okay Peter, what do we say?"

"Umm...." the kid thinks. "How about-- 'Hi Wanda, its me, Vision, I just got this phone number and I want to tell you something.' Then send it."

"Sending now," Friday chimes, and it surprises Tony when the three dots pop up on a screen displaying the just starting text chain.

"Man-- she really likes Vision."

"Yeah she does Mr. Stark," Peter says, then reads the message out loud in a high pitched voice. "'Hey Vis, what's up?'"

"Okay... where are we taking this?"

"So I watched the battle with Ultron? Vision totally saved her. Now we bring that up... lets see... 'Ever since I saved you from that falling city--' no... 'Ever since I rescued you during the battle with Ultron... I felt something special between us.'"

Tony pulls into the garage underneath Avengers tower, parking while Peter sends the message. "Ooh! She replied-- lets see, 'Really, Vis?'"

"Nice, nice... now kick it up a notch. 'I love you, Wanda, my love for you is like a rose that will never die--'"

"Are you sure that'll fly Mr. Stark?"

"She's love sick, she'll eat it up. Send!"

The dots appear again, and both Tony and Peter watch, brimming with anticipation. Peter reads it in the voice again. "'Really Vis? Me too! Where are you?' Dang it! She'll be looking! Upstairs, quick!"

The pair jump out of the car, Tony barks into his watch that he's in the lobby. Then he sends the message, sprinting into the elevator, and texts Vision, "Meet me in the Lobby."

They race out the elevator door as soon as it opens, just in time to plop on the couch before Vision waltzes in. "Tony?" he asks, "what's this about?"

Wanda appears from the other side of the room, staring at Vision. "Vis?" she asks.

"Yes, Wanda?" He looks up.

"Uh... do you want to talk about this somewhere else?" She motions at Peter and Tony.

"Talk about what?"

She looks confused, but walks toward him, motioning for him to lean his head toward her. She cups her hand so Tony and Peter can't see-- though their already pretending that they're infatuated with the ceiling fan.

Vison turns red and pulls away. "What?" he asks, looking embarrassed.

"You-- you... you didn't send it?"


"So this is all a part of that stupid prank war?" She whispers.

"I-I'm sorry, Wanda..."

She crosses her arms and Vision turns away, backing into the hallway. Tony can see him lingering though, watching Wanda from behind the corner. She whirls on him and Peter.

"You did this!" She hisses, not seeming to be mad at Peter, only at Tony. "You horrible--" she spews a stream of curses in Sokovian-- "You made me think I actually had a chance--" she looks so mad, red particles start flowing around her. Peter hides his face with a pillow.

Thankfully, Vision chose that moment to come round the corner. "You actually like me?"

"I--I..." the random objects floating in the air clatter to the ground.

"I thought-- Wanda, I never said it wasn't true, I just said I didn't send it."

"R-really?" she stammers, and Peter comes out from behind the pillow.

"You're amazing Wanda, look at this--" he motions to the broken vase on the ground.

"You-- you... really?" She squeaks.

Tony and Peter think this the appropriate time, to creep off the couch and escape to Tony's lab. They collapse into their swivel chairs, letting out the laughter they'd been holding in from the close call.

"That was awesome Mr. Stark," Peter laughs, "we should do it again!"

Sorry for the short chapter! I hoped you liked it!
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Have a great day! Pleaseee? You deserve one.

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