Chapter 1 Cursed

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Once upon a time, Queen Simone lived with her sons, Princes Bill and Tom, in her magnificent palace in Magdeburg. Everything was peaceful until the royal family was visited by a sorceress. "Prince Tom, you will pay for your love game, or rather the whole royal family will pay," said the sorceress, waving her wand, Prince Tom lay dead on the ground and Queen Simone and Prince Bill became hideous vampires. "What have you done to my son? What have you done to us?" Queen Simone asked angrily. "Your Majesty Queen Simone of Magdeburg. You will only get your punishment for raising Prince Tom.", the sorceress answered with a cruel laugh, she waved her wand again and a rose appeared, this rose she handed to the 15 year old Prince Bill . "Now that your twin is dead you will make up for his mistakes. If the last rose petal falls off and you haven't found true love by then, you and your mother will remain vampires forever.", explains the sorceress and disappears. Queen Simone pulled her son into her arms. "Oh, Bill. I never thought anything like this would happen. Your father left me when you were 6 years old, then I was crowned Queen, last year your stepfather, the brave King Gordon, died in the war and now your twin is dead. Tom is dead and we are vampires." Simone sighed and stroked her son's back affectionately." "Don't worry mother. I will find true love. I promise you that as long as I am Prince Bill of Magdeburg." Bill promised his beloved mother.

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