Chapter 10 The Wedding

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A week had passed and the wedding preparations were in full swing. On a pleasant day, Prince Bill and Annabelle stood on the Prince's balcony. "I can't wait to marry you." "I can't wait to marry you either. Who would have thought I'd fall in love with the Vampire Prince, let alone marry him?" "Probably nobody. But I'm glad I found true love with you. If it wasn't for you, my mother and I would have remained vampires forever." Annabelle giggled sweetly and smiled at the prince. The prince gently put his lips to the girl's neck and distributed loving kisses there. Annabelle closed her eyes and enjoyed the kisses. After a while, Prince Bill parted his lips from Annabelle's neck again and smiled at her. "Even though I'm not a vampire anymore, you are my vampire princess now. Just as you wished." "Thank you. You will always be my vampire prince to me. It doesn't matter whether you are a vampire or a human. I love you." "I love you too my princess." The two lovebirds kissed passionately. A few days later the wedding was coming up. Annabelle looked at herself in the mirror. Her homemade wedding dress was a beautiful white, decorated with a floral pattern on the sleeves and small diamonds from her waist made the dress sparkle. Then it was time, Annabelle stood in front of the door to the castle garden and took a deep breath before her brother took her to the altar. As Annabelle walked down the aisle she smiled at Prince Bill and he smiled back. When Annabelle arrived at the altar, Prince Bill immediately took her hand and kissed her on the cheek. "You look beautiful my princess." Prince Bill whispered to her softly. "Thanks. You look wonderful too." Annabelle whispered back. Annabelle didn't notice anything about the wedding, she had lost herself in the eyes of her prince. Only when the question of questions was asked did Annabelle notice something. "Yes I do." Annabelle said happily. The last words Annabelle heard were: "You may kiss your bride now, Your Royal Highness." Immediately, Prince Bill pulled Annabelle into his arms and kissed her passionately. After that, everyone went to the castle to celebrate. Prince Bill went to the dance floor with Annabelle, his princess, and the two lovebirds danced, as much in love as the first time, a waltz together. In the evening, the two lovebirds went to the balcony and looked at the starry sky. "I'm so glad I found true love. I had given up hope. But then you came into my life. I will never let you go. I love you Princess Annabelle. Forever." "I love you too Prince Bill. My true love." The two lovebirds kissed lovingly. So the vampire prince lived happily with his princess until the end of their life together.

The End

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