Chapter 9 The kiss

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Annabelle knelt beside the unconscious prince. "No. Bill come back please." Annabelle looked at the enchanted rose, the last petal fell off. Annabelle began to cry bitterly. "Bill... I love you." Annabelle carefully bent down to the vampire prince and kissed him. While Annabelle was kissing the prince, the sorceress appeared, waved her magic wand and Prince Bill became human again, he got color on his skin again, he wasn't as pale as before, and the wound on his arm that Georg had inflicted on him disappeared . Annabelle broke away from Prince Bill and saw the Sorceress smiling at Annabelle. "A... Annabelle?" Annabelle looked into Prince Bill's eyes, they were no longer blood red but his eyes were a beautiful brown again. Annabelle helped the prince back to his feet and immediately hugged the prince. "You're human again, you've found true love." "Thank you Annabelle. My vampire princess." Prince Bill pulled Annabelle into his arms and kissed her passionately, the crowd cheered in the palace gardens below. As Annabelle and Prince Bill pulled away, they looked down to see Georg's body being carried away. "Bill my son. You did it." The queen rejoiced, hugging her son tightly. Queen Simone was also human again. "You broke the curse Annabelle. How can I thank you for that?" Queen Simone now turned to Annabelle. "Please let me marry your son as thanks your majesty. I love him so much. I want to marry him." Annabelle answered. "I love Annabelle too. I want to marry her too, mother," Prince Bill said to his mother. "Well, you have found true love with Annabelle, my son. If you want to marry her. Then you can marry her." Queen Simone said to her son. Prince Bill gave his beloved mother a tight hug before kissing his true love Annabelle very passionately again.

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