Chapter 3 The first meeting of the vampire prince and the girl

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One day Annabelle went to the castle to bring a dress for Queen Simone, but when she got there and dismounted her horse, her horse just ran away. Annabelle knew, even though Magdeburg wasn't far from the castle, it was too dangerous to walk back. She entered the castle and was received by Queen Simone. "Hello Your Majesty. I'll bring you the dress for the ball." "Thank you very much Annabelle. Your family's clothes are the best and most beautiful in all of Magdeburg." "Your Majesty. I have a request." "Then tell me what's on your mind." "My horse ran away and running to Magdeburg is too dangerous. Tell me what to do." Queen Simone thought for a while when Prince Bill came into the throne room. The eyes of the vampire prince and the girl met and Prince Bill smiled at Annabelle. "Bill my son, be so kind as to take the girl to the room across from yours," the queen said to her son. "Yes mother," the vampire prince replied, taking Annabelle to the room. "Here it is. Make yourself at home. If you need anything I'm across the street." "Thanks, that's nice of you." "Be so good as to tell me your name stranger girl." "My name is Annabelle." "Annabelle? The best seamstress from Magdeburg? Is that you?" "Yes, I am. I just brought your mother's dress for the ball." "Your family makes the best clothes in the whole kingdom of Magdeburg. The clothes are really exceptional." "Thank you very much. Everything we make for you and your mother is of course only the best and of course they are unique pieces." "Not only what your family makes for us is extraordinary, what the people get from you is really first class." "How do you know that?" "Every day I stand on my balcony and see my mother's people, who will one day be my people. I have a good view of the city of Magdeburg. I'll show you." The Vampire Prince takes the girl to his balcony and Annabelle is speechless. "You can see every corner of Magdeburg from up here." "That's right. Every day I see what's happening in the city from here." Bill and Annabelle look at the forest and see Georg and Gustav riding there. "Georg goes hunting again and Gustav is allowed to carry his stuff as always. Georg really is the best hunter in town. I always see how much game he shoots when he goes hunting, and that at the age of 22. Impressive." "I'm not on good terms with him, you know." "Can I ask why?" "He doesn't understand that I don't want to marry him." "I'm sorry. You don't love him. He has to accept that." Annabelle looks to the side and sees the enchanted rose in the glass dome. "Is that the rose you received from the sorceress?" "Yes. This is the enchanted rose." "The rose has already lost a few petals. You don't have much time left." "I know. There have been many girls from other kingdoms here to help my mother and I. But they died of fright when we were seen, because we are so pale and I don't want to talk about the fangs. That's why my mother is inviting no one to the ball anymore. We're so ashamed of ourselves and we're scared of people all over the country. My mum and I always hold the ball by ourselves." "I am not afraid of you and your mother. Even if you are called the vampire prince. You are too. But you have a good heart Prince Bill." "Thank you. Even if the girls from Magdeburg aren't afraid of us. You're the first girl from Magdeburg to dare to enter the castle." "I am?" "Yes, and if you're here. I want to dance with you at the ball tomorrow." "You get that honor." "Thank you Annabelle. Knowing you, you will sew your dress yourself. Am I right?" "Yes you have." The vampire prince and the girl laughed. Maybe was the beginning of a beautiful and true love.

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