Chapter 7 The Warning

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While the townsfolk prepared for battle, Annabelle took the opportunity and sprinted to the castle to warn Queen Simone and Prince Bill. After Annabelle had warned Queen Simone, she ran to Prince Bill on his balcony. "Prince Bill. You are in great danger. The residents want to hunt you down." "Who is the leader of the fight?" "Georg. He didn't want to believe what I said about you." Prince Bill got a little more serious. "Hide. In the big bunker in the basement, mother will be there too." "No, I'll stay by your side." Prince Bill takes Annabelle's hand.
"Annabelle, I'm not good for you. Go away. I think it's better for everyone if my mom and I stay vampires forever. I love you Annabelle. I know that now. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I'm a vampire now. It's too dangerous for you to be with me." The vampire shed a few tears while looking at the girl he had fallen in love with.
"Bill, I will always love you. Please. Bite me. Make me your vampire princess." Annabelle lovingly placed her hand on the vampire prince's cheek.
"Shouldn't we try a kiss? After all, it's still a curse, isn't it?"
"Bite me. Then we'll be safe if the kiss doesn't work." Prince Bill pondered Annabelle's words for a while until he saw the people of Magdeburg riding towards the castle. "I'm afraid I can't make you my vampire princess. They're coming Annabelle. Hide." Annabelle nodded and lost a tear. "Take care my vampire prince." "I will. Never forget, I will always love you Annabelle."
Annabelle ran to Queen Simone in the bunker in the castle's basement. Prince Bill stayed on his balcony and waited for Georg. He knew that the fight for Magdeburg was now beginning.

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