Monday morning, at school..
All the year eleven students are lined up outside of the hall anxiously waiting to be seated to start the chemistry mock only to make a fool of themselves when they get their results back. Amongst those students is a very furious Layla with large darting eyes and an extremely high Red.
After Red told Layla about the bet, Layla wouldn't mutter a sound until Red told her she had to be home and so she mumbled a small bye and Red left her house. Layla hadn't spoken to Red or seen her since, in fact, Layla hadn't spoken at all, she remained frozen in shock and betrayal at how Red could've known such a thing the entirety of whatever kind of friendship they had and simply never uttered a word about it. From Layla's perspective, Red allowed Layla to make a fool of herself, over and over again, every damn day she felt a thing for the evil boy. It made Layla question whatever Red and her ever even had going on, Layla had hope for a stronger bond but this has just proven her wrong all over again like Red always does, making Layla feel in complete control, and then boom, the truth. Even if there were never any sort of friendship between the pair, human decency is something that Red obviously lacks. Not only does Layla feel betrayed by Red, but she feels pained to know that she and Keegan were simply nothing, they never were anything at all and never would be anything. The fact that this whole past year was on and off with the boy, but feeling so much for him was all just a game, all just a lie. A lie to harm her, to use her, to have 'a bit of fun.' Layla doesn't know what to feel, confused, betrayed, hurt, numb.
Red has never felt guilt this way, or this strong. Red truly forgot about the matter until Layla mentioned Keegan in the library, that's when the uncontrollable surge of guilt swarmed over her. She smoked two spliffs this morning just to calm herself down.
Currently, Red is alone at the back of the line. Whilst, Layla is at the front of the line with Amy. Red is staring off at the quiet Layla who hasn't spoken a word to Amy once when she hears her name being called from behind, "Red." Elle calls for her as she walks towards her.
Red turns to her, narrowing her eyebrows in confusion as to why she's approaching her, "Do you know where Layla is?" Elle hesitantly asks before Red silently points in Layla's direction. "Thanks." and she's off.
A few seconds pass before they're opening the doors and calling numbers out, and so the students start nervously bickering amongst each other, biting away at their nails as they walk in to find their seats.
An hour and a half passes
Red spends the entire exam staring at the back of Layla, who despite studying her arse off for this exam had her chin nuzzled in her arm and was staring at the back of Keegan the entire time, a million thoughts running through her mind as her leg anxiously bounces up and down.
The minute Layla's row is called up to leave, Layla is on her feet and pushing the doors open with so much aggression, storming out of the hall, and after Keegan. She swiftly struts down the corridor, her eyes marked on the dirty blonde hair that belongs to the evil boy.
She manages to catch up to him, her heart racing knowing that she has to say something otherwise she's a fucking mug. Her throat quickly tightens before she slams him against the wall in a flash, catching him completely off guard, his face turns a bright red out of embarrassment sending all his mates into a fit of laughter.
"'You mean so much to me, Layla.' This 'I'm falling in love with you.' That. You sick fucking liar." Layla spits out of spite, grabbing onto his blazer out of anger before his eyes flicker and he pushes her off of himself like she's nothing. A crowd of students begin to gather around the scene. Layla is completely ruled by anger to the point where she doesn't notice the vexed glares she's getting, the displeased scoffs, the mean little remarks, and the condescending laughs.

Lustful Revulsion (wlw)
Romance"You're a headfuck, a complete headfuck." Red's back is turned as she breathes before heavy raindrops meet her face. "Where is this coming from?" Layla asks out of confusion as she attempts to pull Red by the wrist when Red pulls away quickly. "Don'...