Chapter 31- Alone

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A week passes of no contact..

Red wakes up, in her bedroom yet again, she's not even sure if it classifies as her bedroom or even a bedroom. The walls are rotten and peeling, of course, it's not her fault, the house is simply fucked. She gets up off her bed as though she were never actually asleep, which in this house, there's no such thing as sleep when you're under the same roof as her father.

She steps forward, knocking a beer to the floor, "Fuck." She hisses under her breath as it starts to foam and spill on the floor uncontrollably, making her regret not finishing it last night before she passed out, she bends to quickly grab it, now the drink spills all down her hand before she attaches her lips to it and downs it.

She sets the bottle on the rugged dresser after she finishes her last sip before lighting a cigarette, not giving her mouth a break from the toxins.

She smokes the cigarette as she walks out into the small hallway, carefully walking to the toilet, looking over her shoulder at her dad lying flat on his bed, snoring hysterically, she grimaces before walking into the toilet and shutting the door.

She sucks the cigarette hard, the end lighting a fiery red as she stares at herself in the mirror, deeply analysing every part of her in disgust.

Red's perspective.

Carl's right. I am him.

I grab my toothbrush at that thought, and I scrub scrub, and fucking scrub in attempts of making myself feel a bit better about myself and how awfully shit this last week has been.

I've never felt more alone. And I know you might think, well Red you've always lived here, but it's not the same. Now that I have had the good, the good meaning Layla, I can't just go back to the way it used to be. Can you believe it? She's not even tried talking to me. I've spotted her in the exam rooms but she hasn't even glanced over at me, I don't get why I turned out to be the bad guy when her fucking uncle chewed and spat me out in front of her whole family just to embarrass me, I still don't understand what his and the entire family's relation is to my parents.

I've been here and on my bench for the past week, in my own thoughts, and for some damned reason I can't seem to find my journal to even write anything down, I'm getting so fucking close to snapping.

I'm snapped out of my trance by a distant ringing, I flee for the sound before it wakes my dad up just to find Nick's name on my screen, multiple messages pinging as he calls, I frustratingly turn my ringer off before I slowly shut my door, my mouth full of toothpaste as I answer the call.

"Why the fuck are you spamming me!?" I quietly attack as I walk as far away from my door as I can, subconsciously listening to the consistent snoring in fear of it stopping.

"Red! Come to school, they're handing out our leaver's hoodies!" He excitedly speaks over the loud muttering of annoying students in the background, my eyebrows furrow in anger, is he joking? "Nick, do you take me as a fuck that gives a shit about fucking leaver's hoodies?" I mimic his excitement as I pull the toothbrush out of my mouth so he hears my words clearly.

"Red, shut your arrogant arse the fuck up and come right now!" He shouts, piercing my ear and making me quickly pull the phone back before I bring it back again, "No." I say in a monotone manner.

"Yes, I'll buy you a deck?" Nick knows exactly how to bribe me, I roll my eyes as I bite the inside of my cheek in defeat, "Right for fucks sake, give me thirty." I sigh before ending the call and I'm going back to the toilet.

Layla's perspective.

I eye Nick from across the dinner hall as he's stood in the cue for the hoodies, putting his phone back in his pocket, Red is coming. I think everyone in England knows she's coming since he shouted it at the top of his lungs.

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