Anatomy- Kenzie
Red has been up for a while, she came to sit amongst Diana for some company. Besides, they're both used to coffee in the morning together now, and Diana sees her as a family.
Red is wearing black shorts and a tight black vest with her silver chain visible, her curls so effortlessly bouncy and shiny at the dead of dawn whilst Diana is wrapped up in a silk golden robe, her hair in a small messy ponytail and it almost looks like she's been dragged through a bush.
Red's bruising seems to get more visible as time goes by, it's by far the worst punch she's ever felt, and blinking even seems to hurt.
"When you go in for your interview, make sure to have that covered up, love." Diana instructs, with her eyebrows raised strictly before she chugs the rest of her coffee.
Red begins to chuckle at her motherly instinct, Diana fills that void Red has always lacked, but Red carries guilt along with it, ever since what she exposed Layla to with Az, a surge of self-hatred has arisen in her, despite Layla's attempts at reassurance, she's had to just brush it off every time Layla tells her it's okay, but deep down, the scene doesn't stop replaying.
Red found throughout the years, the older she got the more curious she got about her real mother, and even more angry at how she had left her. She's always wanted to find her, or even find out any family history of theirs.
"Diana.." Red cautiously calls for her, twisting the black ring on her middle finger as she intently eyes Diana who's smiling back at her, "Yes, love." She responds, watching Red carefully awaiting the question she seems terrified of asking.
Red knows that if she doesn't take this opportunity to ask Diana this long-awaited question that's been eating at her since what happened with Uncle Carl, Red knows she will beat herself up for it, so she takes a chance, mentally crossing her fingers before her lips part, "How did Carl know who I was?" Red's breath hitches at Diana's expression shifting to one of expectation.
Diana had been waiting for Red to approach her about this ever since what had happened, she figured Layla hadn't told Red about the fact that they even knew Gabriel at all, so she takes a deep breath before starting,
"Red this might be hard to hear, but Gabriel was a close family friend. Gabriel met Carl when they were teenagers, the pair of them got along splendidly.." Red doesn't know Carl well, but from what she saw of him, she's not surprised he would get along with her dad.
"They had both just left high school and met at the pub one night. And they were both just as confused as each other with what to do with themselves after high school, so they agreed to put all of their savings into buying a café, making money and then starting a business.. Honestly speaking now, I've forgotten what the business was. Anyways, Carl was out with Gabriel when they met two women, best friends they were just as Carl and Gabriel were.." This is where Diana pauses, gulping, almost feeling herself tear up at the sight of Red who seems so consumed with the story, digging for any explanation as to how she ended up here, with no mother and her father in the hospital on his death bed.
"Your Mother was one of the girls, and the other was Carl's now divorced wife." Diana slowly speaks, her eyebrows narrowing together sympathetically as she curls her lips.
"What was her name?" Red rapidly questions, her eyes widening as she awaits a response mean whilst Diana's heart breaks at the fact that Red doesn't even know her mother's name. Red had never heard her dad call her by her name, it would always be some sick insult at her.
Diana sucks in a sharp breath of air before getting herself to speak again, "Raya." Diana slips out in an apologetic tone, her features completely sympathetic to the girl in front of her.

Lustful Revulsion (wlw)
Romantik"You're a headfuck, a complete headfuck." Red's back is turned as she breathes before heavy raindrops meet her face. "Where is this coming from?" Layla asks out of confusion as she attempts to pull Red by the wrist when Red pulls away quickly. "Don'...