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It had been 11 years since you'd escaped WICKED. You still remembered the white walls, stark faces and blue gowns. And then of course, all the trauma that came with it.

You were glad to be away from there and even though it was tough living in the scorch, you still knew it was worth it. You were free, and that was what mattered.

In these years, you'd managed to construct a refuge from the cranks and the scorching heat.

It was an old bean factory that'd been abandoned when the flares struck. The machinery was decrepit and barely functional but you'd managed to convert some of it into defence and protection for the building.

To your surprise, the water supply had remained functional for the entire time you'd been there. This was quite rare considering the conditions and that was the one reason you'd stayed all these years.

Also, the endless reserve of canned beans wasn't a bad thing either.

Your camp was perfect really, the only problem with your new neighbourhood was the locals.

In fairness, you were positioned at the edge of the dessert plains, just far enough away from the crank infested city, but that didn't stop them from breaching your perimeters.

You'd picked up several guns over the years, crafted many knives and set traps so it wasn't a matter of resources you lacked. The problem was more the fact that you were alone.

Especially in the summer months, it was practically crawling with cranks. This made it difficult dealing with the cranks, repairing damage and managing to eat and sleep all at the same time. Once, you'd even gone at least 48 hours without any rest, it was mental. You didn't even know how you survived.

But they were the times when the thoughts came.

You wished you stayed in WICKED. It was a horrific thought but at least you'd have a fairly relaxing life, no matter how short it was. Sometimes you'd even considered going back just so they could give you a quick death.

The only reassuring thing about your life was that you were immune. This meant you wouldn't go crazy anytime soon, and that these thoughts praying on your mind were rational. And that scared you.

It wasn't until that summer was almost finished that you discovered something you never thought possible.

There were more munies.

And WICKED had sent them.

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