23 1 6

You wake up to the warmth of the scorch wrapping itself around you, almost suffocating you like a blanket of thick air.

It was unlike the warmth of Newt, who was gentle, conforting. No. It was different. It felt lonely.

Your eyes snap open, realising that he was no longer beside you.

Where was Newt?

Your heart began to beat faster than you thought possible. He didn't leave did he? Did he run away? Did someone take him? Did he die?

Horrible thoughts swam through your mind as you groggily pulled yourself out of the crevice. The sun pierced the sand, sending refractive rays up into your face. You winced before adjusting, searching for the boy you couldn't take your mind off.

"Newt?" You asked, before raising your voice, "NEWT!"

Where had he gone?

Your stomach began to twist into a tight knot as you began to run forwards into the rubble, searching for a sign.

You yelled his name over and over again.

So many times.

No response.

Coming to terms with the situation, you realised that there was no alternative. Newt had run away and you knew why. He didn't want you to die, but you'd die for him anyday. It wasn't fair how the world chose it's victims. Why him? Why not you?


Someone had said your name, shaking you from your desolate thoughts. You look up, hopeful. It couldn't be. But it was.

You'd panicked for no reason for here stood Newt, amidst the chaos and rubble, with a smile on his face.

Wait, a smile?

You couldn't help but grin back. It was infectious. It felt like a millennia since you'd seen it, and you never had realised how deeply you missed him.

"Newt." You held your smile, "Where did you go?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, running a hand through his hair, "Thought I'd look for some food or something." He paused, "Didn't find anything though."

You laughed, taken aback by his sudden change in mood and his expectancy to find some food in this wasteland.

"Are you okay?" You pried, thinking back to last night.

Newt nodded gently, "You don't need to worry about it."

He stepped closer to you, still smiling and pulled you into a hug.

"You sure?" You asked, your voice smothered against his chest. You pulled away, looking at him directly in his eyes.

They seemed to shimmer with hope. A hope that you'd expect to have vanished a long time ago. He didn't reply.

"What is it?" You asked, knowing there was something that he wasn't telling you. You smiled, tugging at his jacket to try and convince him.

He smiled, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze to you. He slowly rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, revealing the deadly wound.

Except it wasn't so deadly anymore.

Sure, there were still signs of infection but the wound had closed, leaving only slight black tinges around the cut. His veins were still dark, but at least they were lighter than the night before. He was healing. And it was undeniably because of you.

"I feel so much better." He grinned, "We need to tell the others."

You nodded, overjoyed. Your smile didn't waver as you packed your bags, picked up your coats and got ready to leave.

"I think I ought to stick with you for a while." Newt continued.

You smiled, glancing up at him.

"Yeah, I think that'd be smart."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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