I've really fucked up

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"What?" Harry asked, shocked.

"We've decided and I think it would be best. There aren't schools for you to go around here. You need a fresh start," his Mum told him.

"What about my friends?" Harry asked. His Mum didn't reply.

"Look, Harry it will be good for you. I know you miss Hannah and you're always asking to go watch her play so now is your chance."

Harry wanted to argue more but he knew her mind was set; he was going to go live with Hannah and their Grandad.


It wasn't really that far to where Hannah lived. In a way Harry was excited to be going back to Birmingham. He had lived there until Dad died and then they moved to get away from it all.

"You'll be good, won't you? Don't make any trouble for your Grandad. You know what he's like. And make sure you don't ruin anything for Hannah. She's making a name for herself, and she doesn't need you mucking it up," Harry's Mum said as they drove over. Harry didn't reply. He was pissed off that she had just shipped him away.

"I've managed to get you a place at a school. You'll start next week, and you better stay out of trouble."

Harry still didn't say anything, and his Mum gave up trying to get him to talk.

After an awkwardly silent drive, they made it to Hannah's.

"Go and get Hannah to come over. I don't want to go in," his Mum told Harry. He got his stuff out the boot and made his way to the house. Harry knew full well why his Mum didn't want to go over. It was obvious that she didn't like Harry's Grandad. She would have nothing to do with him if it wasn't for her children wanting to see him. He knocked on the door and it didn't take long for an answer.

"Harry!" Hannah squealed as she pulled him into a hug. Harry hugged back, momentarily forgetting about everything else.

"I've missed you," he said quietly.

"I've missed you too," Hannah told him. Harry was gripping onto her tightly. He had really missed her.

"Mum wants you to go over," Harry said, his head still nestled on his sister's shoulder.

"Okay. I'll be back in a sec," Hannah said, and she let go and walked over. Harry just stood and watched them talk. It was clear they were talking about him.

Harry was pulled from his thoughts when Hannah walked back and wrapped an arm around him. His Mum waved before pulling away. He waved back weakly.

"Behave," she shouted from the car as she drove off.

"I won't," Harry muttered.


Harry's room was pretty small, but he didn't mind. Hannah helped him unpack everything and it gave them a chance to catch up. They mostly spoke about football and random things on TV but eventually they moved onto Harry's behaviour.

"I didn't mean to lose my shit but I dunno, I just flipped. I've fucked up, Han. I've really fucked up," Harry said.

"Oh, Harry. You're only young. You're not done for," Hannah reassured him, resting one on hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"And Mum hasn't helped. I think that's why I'm so naughty; to piss her off. She doesn't give two shits. Whenever I get in trouble, she just told me off. Never asked why I did it. Never asked if I was okay," Harry explained, plopping down onto the bed.

"Are you okay, Haz?" Hannah asked, kindly.

"Not really," Harry answered.

"Want to talk about it?" she asked. Harry shook his head.

"You know I'm here, yeah?"

"Yeah. I know."

"Do you wanna have some ice cream? Might cheer you up a bit," Hannah suggested as a way of getting Harry to feel better.

"Aren't you in training?" Harry asked.

"One ice cream won't hurt. And anyway, the boss never has to know," Hannah said with a laugh.


"Should've known you would get kicked out sooner or later," a voice said as Harry and Hannah were just finishing up their ice cream.

"Hi Grandad," Harry said, not even bothering to look around.

"Bloody typical of you youth. Not a flipping care in the world."

"Oh, Grandad, leave him," Hannah told him. Their Grandad could be a right grumpy guts but he absolutely adored his grandchildren; he just didn't know how to show it properly.

"I'm just saying, Han."

"How was the bingo?" Hannah asked in an attempt to distract him. Harry giggled. He didn't know why but the fact his Grandad played bingo always made him laugh.

"What's wrong with bingo, lad?" his Grandad asked. This happened every time Harry laughed at him.

"It's a perfectly good pass time," Grandad added. Harry and Hannah mouthed along with him. They had heard that sentence so many times, it was practically engraved in their brains. The pair exchanged a look and had to hide their laughter.

"Yes, we know. Please, just tell us how bingo went," Hannah said.

"Well, bloody Pam from up the road was cheating, again," their Grandad answered.

"How can you cheat at bingo?" Harry asked. Hannah glared him.

"Don't a-," she started to say but she was interrupted.

"How can you cheat at bingo? How can you cheat at bingo? I'll tell you how you can cheat at bingo!" Grandad exclaimed, going straight into a speech about how it definitely is possible to cheat and how Pam was definitely cheating.

"Just tone him out," Hannah whispered. Harry smiled. It was good to see her.


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