Just because you're old and don't get it

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It was time to play Switzerland. The final game before the Euros kicked off. A final chance to show everyone what they were about.

It was looking likely that England were going to win. Not to disrespect Switzerland but England were much stronger than they were.

That didn't stop Harry from feeling nervous though.

"You alright?" Wyll, Georgia's brother, asked as he sat down next to him. Harry had got to know all the other families quite well over the last year and Wyll was a particular favourite out of all of them.

The two of them kept chatting up to kick off and through the game.

England were having very strong attacks but the Switzerland goalie was doing an extremely good job of stopping them all.

She managed to hold them off until half time. Despite England being unable to get a goal, Harry was having a great time. Wyll was hilarious and even though there was a big age gap, the two of them spent a lot of the time laughing.

Ten minutes after the restart, Rach whipped it in and Less headed it home. They were straight back to it and an amazing save by the Swiss keeper kept it at 1-0.

In the 73rd minute, England were awarded a penalty.

"Come on G," Harry muttered under his breath as she stepped up to take it.

Seconds later and his worry was gone as the ball slammed into the back of the net.

He jumped up and down, cheering loudly with Wyll doing the same.

Two minutes later and England won a corner. Beth England headed it home and made it 3-0. The win was pretty much in the bag.

In the fourth minute of injury of time, Jill headed it home and secured the win. 4-0. Get in there!

"Classic G Stanway performance. Yellow card and a penalty. 'Ave it," Harry cheered as he swung his arm around her shoulders.

"Not flying all this way and not getting a yellow. That'd be a waste of a journey if you ask me," she replied, cheerfully.

The coach journey back to the hotel was filled with loud chatting. Harry was trying to explain to the others what BeReal was.

"So it takes a photo that way, then a selfie?" Lucy asked, confused as to why people would want to do that.

"Yeah. Literally simple as that," he replied.


"Just because you're old and don't get it," Harry laughed.

"Rude. I'm not old... I'm mature," Lucy argued.


That evening some of them went to hang out in Georgia's room. It was total chaos. All of them chatted and laughed until it got really late. After the game they'd had, people were too exhausted to go back to their own rooms and just drifted off on the floor.

Harry was curled up in the corner, next to Mary.

At about half past three, he sat up quickly. He'd had a bad dream. He hated being like this.

He took some deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. Taking a quick glance around he spotted Hannah on the far side, getting to her would mean waking everyone else up and he didn't want that.

"Are you alright?" Mary asked, sleepily, propping herself up to see better. Harry wanted to say yes but he just shook his head.

Mary could tell that he was really shaken and she opened up her arms to welcome him into a hug.

He accepted gratefully and the two of them fell back asleep, Harry now safely wrapped up in her arms.

"MORNING BITCHES," Georgia said loudly, successfully waking up everyone in the room. Harry looked around, sleepily, at everyone else. They were all waking up and he smiled to himself.

God he loved these people.


When the girls got back from their team meeting, Harry wasn't anywhere to be found. They weren't meant to be leaving until that afternoon so that wasn't a worry but since the whole self-harm incident they were all worried he might've done something.

"G, do you know where Harry is?" Hannah said, her voice filled with panic.

"No. Is everything alright?" Georgia asked, now panicking as well.

"I'm sure it is, I just don't know where he's gone."

"Have you called him?" asked Keira as she now joined in the conversation.

"Yeah but he didn't pick up," Hannah replied.

"We'll help look," Georgia said, standing up, ready to start right away.

The three of them began looking and found more people willing to help on the way.

Demi could see a group of people playing football on the far edge of the hotel grounds. She didn't really expect Harry to be there but it was worth a look. As she got closer, she spotted him laughing and joining in with some kids about the same age as him.

He spotted her approaching and waved. She waved back and just hovered on the edge for a bit. He seemed happy and there wasn't anything to worry about.

"Alright?" he asked cheerfully as he bounded over, sweating and out of breath.

"Yeah just come to make sure you're alright," she replied, smiling at his happiness.

"Well I'm coming in now anyway," he said.

"Who were those people?" Demi asked, nodding at the group of kids still kicking the ball around.

"Absolutely no idea."

The two of them walked back together, chatting as they did.

When they got back to the building, Hannah hugged him tightly straight away.

"Please don't just disappear like that. I was so worried that you'd," she paused searching for the right words, "done something."

For someone reason this sentence really annoyed Harry and his blood began to boil.

"Is that you all think now? That I'm some delicate little flower?" he asked, angrily.

"What? No," Hannah replied, taken aback by his sudden anger.

"I don't need you always freaking out. God, I wish you never knew about this. I don't need people sympathising. I can get through this shit by myself. I have before and I can again! I don't need you, Han."

"You don't mean that," she told him.

"Yes I fucking do," he said angrily, storming off upstairs.

Hannah just watched him go. If he wanted to be like that then so be it.

"Y'alright?" Ella asked brightly as Harry walked past her. He didn't answer and carried on, caught up in his own rage.


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