I swear to God if you don't put me down right now

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"Morning sleepy heads," Leah said. She'd been told to go wake them up as they were leaving for the beach in half an hour.

When she'd walked in, she was slightly surprised to see Harry sleeping diagonally across the bed with his feet resting on Georgia's back and Ella and Alessia curled up together on the other bed.

Leah moved to gently started shaking them awake. Less was the first to stir and as she sat up she accidently elbowed Ella in the face causing her to wake up as well.

"Jesus wept," Tooney groaned as she massaged her throbbing nose. While the two of them were busy getting fully woken up, Leah moved over to Harry and G.

"Morning Harry it's time to wake up," she said, softly. He began to wake up and then rolled over, turning his back on her.

"I'd rather not," he said, sleepily.

"Come on. We've got the beach to go to," she reminded him which caused a little wave of enthusiasm and he began to attempt to get up.

Finally, she moved on to getting Georgia up, shaking her gently.

"Jesus, you're nice at getting people up," Harry said, "You've got to be more assertive. Like this."

Then in one simple move, he jabbed G in the stomach making her sit up instantly.

"Morning," he told her cheerfully, a wide smile on his face that he hoped would make her less grumpy. It slightly worked and after slapping him back she felt better about the rude awakening.

Half an hour later Harry, Hannah, Leah, Georgia, Jordan and all of their beach things were packed into Leah's car.

Hannah had managed to dibs the passenger seat and the other three were all having to go in the back.

"Bagsy not in the middle," Jordan said, running to one of the sides and hopping in.

"Bagsy me neither," Harry said, quickly. Georgia sighed. She hated having to sit in the middle.

The car journey didn't take too long and soon they were at the beach. Harry, Jordan and Georgia all bundled out the back of the car like three excitable children.

All Harry wanted to do was run and swim in the sea but he had to wait for what felt like forever for the girls to be ready.

"Right I'm ready," Hannah said, standing up in her swimming gear. The pair walked down to the sea and saw Ella and Less working up the courage to dive in.

"Wanna run in with us?" Tooney called over to them.

"Right I count down. We run in. Simple plan," she said. The four of them were in a line holding hands, preparing themselves for the cold water.




"Wait is it going to be really cold?" Less asked.

"Of course it is. We're in England. The water's gonna be cold," Hannah replied.

"You'll be fine," Ella reassured her and then she started the count again.

"One!" she shouted and the four of them shot off. They dived into the water and instantly fought back to the surface. It was freezing.

"Oh my days," Hannah spluttered, wiping the water from her eyes.

"Bit cold that," Ella said, her Mancunian accent running strong.

"What do you mean? It's tropical," Harry said, sarcastically, his Brummy accent contrasting against Ella's.

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