Had a bit of a 'mare to be honest

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Harry was sat outside Mr Hall's office. His Grandad and Hannah were sitting inside, discussing his behaviour. He knew that it wouldn't be a permanent exclusion so that was good. But he also knew that he would be in a lot of trouble anyway.

"Harry, you can come in now," Mr Hall said, sticking his head round the door. Harry was hit by a wave of deja-vu.

Hannah and Grandad both glared at him as he entered.

"Okay, Harry would you like to explain why you acted the way you did? I explained comments were made but I think you should say what comments," Mr Hall said as he sat down opposite the three of them. Harry looked down. He didn't want Hannah to know what had been said about her.

"Harry Hampton, I swear to God if you don't tell me what was said I will smother you in your sleep," Hannah said, threateningly.

"Maybe leave the threats out," Mr Hall suggested.

"Um, well, err, this girl in my class was asking if I was related to you, Hannah, and then this boy jumped in and said girls couldn't play football and his brother gets paid more at Lidl," Harry explained, looking down at his feet the whole time.

"What? That was it?" his Grandad asked.

"Harry, look at me," Hannah said, guiding Harry's chin to look at her.

"Erm, he also said you were probably a clapped bitch and also that you were a whore," Harry gulped.

"He said I was a whore?" Hannah asked, completely taken aback. Harry nodded.

"Why would he call me that?" she asked.

"I don't know," Harry answered.

"Is that other boy in trouble?" their Grandad asked Mr Hall. He looked furious.

"Yes," Mr Hall reassured him.


Harry had been suspended for a week and then it was half term, so he basically had two weeks off.

"You're a stupid boy, do you know that?" their Grandad asked when they were home.

"He called Hannah a whore! What do you expect me to do? Sit back and take it?" Harry argued back.

"Harry, something a stupid 12-year-old says doesn't affect me at all. I'm going to an England camp next week; do you really think I care that he says I can't play?" Hannah explained.

"I care, Hannah. For fucks sake, do you not get it? I care what people say about you. I love you more than anyone in the world," Harry shouted.

"Oi don't use language like that under my roof," his Grandad barked. Harry groaned and booted the wall in frustration. He turned and stormed out the room and upstairs.


"This isn't a holiday. You will do all of the work they set you. You're only going because I need to keep an eye on you and Grandad needs a break."

Hannah was sitting on Harry's bed explaining that he would be going on the England camp with her. Even though it had been made very clear that this was not a holiday, Harry was very excited. He loved the England team and they all loved him.


"Be good for your sister," Harry's Grandad told him as he gave him a hug.

"I will," Harry assured him.

"Hannah, I am so proud of you! Enjoy your camp and know that you're doing me proud. If your dad could see you now," Grandad said as he moved on to Hannah and hugged her tightly.

With their goodbyes said, the two Hampton siblings set off to Saint George's Park. Hannah had her Spotify playlist on, and they were singing their hearts out.


As they pulled up to Saint George's Park, Harry was blown away. He could go billions of times and he would still find it impressive.

Everyone else seemed too already be there.

"Oi, oi," Ella Toone said as she knocked on the car window, scaring the life out of both Hannah and Harry.

"You alright?" Hannah asked her.

"Had a bit of a 'mare to be honest. Mum kept nagging me, making sure I had everything, and then when I leave, I realise I left my boots at home. Only most important thing and I forget it," Ella explained. Both Harry and Hannah laughed; only Ella could forget her boots going to an England camp.

"You two alright?" Ella asked as they got out the car and made their way to the building.

"Yep, doing good. Well Harry is here under punishment but still," Hannah explained, raising her eyebrows at her brother.

"What you do?" Ella asked.

"Suspended," Harry replied, shortly.

"Pretty sick punishment, to be fair. Getting to spend your time with me is like a reward, ennit Harry?" Ella laughed, swinging her arm round Harry and nearly clogging him on the head with her almost forgotten boots.

Hannah shook her head; she couldn't argue it wasn't really a punishment to be here.

"So, what did you do?" Ella asked.

"Got in a fight," Harry replied.

"Oh, Harry. You need to sort your anger out," Ella told him. That was one of the many good things about Ella; she could be childish and have a laugh, but she could also be serious.

"That's what I told him," Hannah agreed.

"I had a good reason. This kid was chatting about how women's football was crap and how he could beat the whole England team by himself."

"We'd stick him on his arse and send him crying to his mum," Ella said, her arm still around Harry.

"That's what I thought," said Harry.

"Still mate, you shouldn't have fought him for that."

"Weren't just that. He called Hannah a clapped ass bitch and he said she was a whore," Harry said, feeling angry as he thought about it.

"Jesus. What have they got to be against you, Han?" Ella said.

"Dunno," Hannah answered, shaking her head.

They carried on chatting until they finally made it to the building. The whole squad was waiting in the foyer.

"Late as ever," Alessia Russo said as she saw her best mate walk in.

"Forgot me boots, didn't I?" Ella told her as she walked over.

"Blooming typical," Alessia laughed.

"Ya love me really," Ella said, engulfing her in a big hug.


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