Nice to meet you too

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Harry sat bolt upright. He had had a bad dream. He had always had them as a kid but recently they had started up again. It scared him even more when he realised there was a figure on the bed.

"Are you alright? I heard you muttering," Hannah's voice said from the dark.

With the realisation it was his sister, Harry hugged the figure.

"You're alright, Haz. I've got ya," Hannah whispered, rubbing his back. The pair just lay hugging together for a little while.


It was Harry's first day of school, and he was surprisingly nervous. Harry wanted to make this school work for him but he was scared he was going to just mess it up.

"You'll do great, Harry. Don't even worry about it. Make sure you're polite and make sure to behave," Hannah told him. She had driven him to school, and they were parked outside.

"I always behave," he replied. Hannah raised her eyebrows at him, and he smiled.

"Oh, and remember I have training later, so you'll have to make your own way home. Or if you want you can walk to training and then I'll drop you back?"

"Okay. I'll see you later," Harry said as he got out of the car.

He made his way with all the other children to the gates.

"Harry Hampton?" a man asked him.

"Yeah. That's me, sir," Harry replied.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Mr Hall, your head of year," the man said. Mr Hall was about 35 with a bold spot bang on the middle of his head.

"Nice to meet you too," Harry said. He was trying to make a good first impression. Mr Hall showed Harry around the basic areas of the school. Once the tour was done, they made their way to Harry's form class. There were about 20 children all sitting around talking and a man sitting at the desk at the front.

"This is Mr Burton. He will be your form teacher until the end of year 11," Mr Hall told Harry.

"Hi," Harry said.

"Hi," Mr Burton said in response.

"Everyone listen up," Mr Hall said, turning to the class. The room went quiet.

"This is Harry, and he will be joining your form group. I expect you all to make him feel welcome."

"Right, Harry, there is a space next to Sam. Sam if you could show Harry around that would be great," Mr Burton said. Harry went and took his seat. Sam had dark curly hair and he was about the same height as Harry. He smiled as Harry sat next to him.

"Alright?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you?" Harry replied. The two then made small talk until Mr Burton demanded their attention to the front.


"Hey, Harry," Sophie Haywood, one of the strikers, said.

"Hey," Harry said. Harry was mostly familiar with all the players from going to watch Hannah play.

"I hear you've moved in with Han. You better come watch us play more," Sophie said, half-jokingly.

"Don't worry. I'll be your number one fan," Harry told her. She laughed.

Harry sat on the side watching them all train. He may have been biased but Hannah was playing extremely well.

They finished up the main bulk of the session and split off into mini games.

"There's our little super keeper," Harry said as training finished, and they all came over.

"Who are you calling little?" Hannah laughed as she swung an arm around her brother's shoulders.

The two of them walked with a few of Hannah's teammates, having a nice chat as they went along.

"How was school?" Hannah asked when they were alone in the car.

"Yeah, it wasn't actually that bad," Harry answered.

"See, a fresh start was good for you." They fell into a nice silence just listening to the music.

"Ooo I love this song," Hannah squealed as one of her and Harry's favourites came on. She turned it up and began singing along.

"Come on, you aren't too cool to have a sing with your big sister," Hannah told him. Harry joined in, reluctantly at first, but after a little while he really got into it.

He looked over at Hannah and couldn't help but smile. Things weren't perfect but he felt a lot happier than he had for ages.


"So why have you come to this school?" Sam asked. It was a few days after Harry had started, and the pair were sitting next to each other in maths.

"Just moved to live with my sister and Grandad," Harry answered, not going into details of why he had to move.

"How old's your sister?"

"She's 20."

The two carried on chatting for the rest of the lesson. They got on really well and Harry hoped it would turn into a proper friendship. He hadn't had any close friends since he was little, and he hoped that this could become one.

"Boys at the back, stop talking," Miss Cotterill, the maths teacher, told them.


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