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"Harry! HARRY!" a loud voice shouted as they banged on the door.

"What?" Harry asked as he opened it. Georgia pushed past him and came inside.

"Just bored that's all," she said, flopping on his bed. The pair kept chatting until there was another knock on the door.

Harry answered and found Alessia and Ella waiting for him.

"Hi?" he said, raising an eyebrow that meant 'what are you doing here?'.

"Bored," Ella replied matter of factly.

"Yeah. All the oldies got bored of us talking so we thought we would come find you," Less said as she walked into the room.

Now the four of them sat around chatting, laughing and generally feeling cheerful. After about quarter of an hour there was once again someone banging to get their attention.

"We could hear the four of you from down the corridor so we thought we would come and join," Keira said, Leah standing by her side.

Originally, Harry had planned to just have a quiet afternoon but with the ever-growing number of people coming into his room, that seemed less and less likely. He didn't really mind though; these people were like a family to him.

Keira was in the middle of telling the story of her and Leah's first England camp when there was another knock on the door. Having to compose himself after what he'd just heard, Harry went and once again opened the door.

This time there were four people waiting for him. Hannah, Chloe, Lotte and Ellie.

"Is this just a meeting of all the young ones?" G asked when she saw who it was.

"You mean the cool ones," Harry laughed, flopping next to her as the four new guests took different spaces around the room.

He didn't particularly know Chloe that well, she'd been out with injury for so long, but he knew Hannah liked her so he didn't mind.

After spending some time with them all, Harry's ribs literally ached from laughing so hard.

They were such good company.

"If you didn't play for your current club, who would you play for?" Harry asked out of interest.

"I know who I wouldn't play for," Leah replied, "Tottenham."

"Or anyone else that wasn't Arsenal," Keira pointed out.

"True," Leah agreed.

"Wouldn't want to play for United. Never in a million years," Chloe said.

"We're too good for you anyway," Tooney teased her.

"Ah you wish," Chloe responded.

"Well, I think all of you would be lucky to play for Villa," Harry told them. The looks he received showed that the others clearly didn't think the same.


It was match day. England against Belgium.

England were very much on top. They were playing good, fighting football. Attack after attack went unrewarded. The Belgium keeper was playing a blinder, making save after save. With the amount of chances the girls were having, you would've expected them to have got one by now.

A brilliant bit of build up gave Leah the chance to dink it over the keeper. It went sailing through but a Belgium defender headed it off the line.

It was still goal less at half time but Harry could tell the goal was coming. It was exciting football to watch and if this was how the summer was going to go then who knows what could happen.

Within seconds of the second half kicking off England were back on the attack. Keira had a brilliant chance that was swept up by the keeper.

"If they don't score soon, I swear to God," Harry groaned, more annoyed for the team than at them.

Just as he had finished speaking, Chloe got the ball and had a shot on goal. It deflected off a defender and went in. Not the most perfect goal you'll ever see but a goal is a goal.

Four minutes later, England got a corner that was whipped in nicely. It was a bit of a scramble with the girls desperately trying to score whilst Belgium desperately tried to defend. It bounced off one of the defenders and Rachel instinctively volleyed it. It billowed the back of the net and England were 2-0 up.

Leah had been having an amazing game and was getting closer and closer to scoring. In the 83rd minute she got her chance. Another corner taken expertly by Lauren landed right at her feet and she smacked it hard. It bounced off the cross bar, hit the goalie and went in.

Even from the stands, you could tell Leah was pleased. And she deserved to be pleased. She had played very well.


"Where do you think you're going?" Hannah asked as she noticed her brother trying to leave the room.

"Going to play Fifa with Lucy," Harry replied, carrying on walking.

"Erm no you're not. You've got schoolwork to do," she told him. He groaned and rolled his eyes but sat down anyway. If he could do it quickly, he could go and do something more interesting.

"Ready to play?" Lucy asked, popping her head round the corner.

"Hannah says I have to do schoolwork," he groaned.

"Where is she now?" she asked.

"Some goalie meeting."

"Well then she'll never know," Lucy told him. He smiled and got up. Lucy was right. She'd never know.

"SHOOT!" Harry screamed loudly, causing Lucy's ear drums to practically burst.

"I'M TRYING!" Lucy shouted back. She tried to shoot and sent it flying over the cross bar. They fell about laughing.

"How are we losing to an AI?" Harry laughed.

"I don't know," she replied, honestly.

The game finished and they had lost. 2-1 to a computer.

"That's embarrassing," Lucy sighed.

"Quit before it saves the score," Harry told her.

"What?" she asked.

"Exit game before the score saves. No one has to know," he repeated again. Lucy laughed.

"Is that what you do when you don't win?"

Harry nodded. Lucy just laughed harder but she quit the game anyway.

"See no one has to know."

"What's going on in here?" Hannah asked. She'd finished the meeting to come back and find her brother gone and a half-finished piece of maths work on the table.

"Lucy forced me to play," Harry said without missing a beat.

"What? No I never," Lucy protested.

"Yeah, she did. I was just trying to do my maths work when she grabbed me and dragged me all the way here," Harry said, acting out with his hands what happened. Both Hannah and Lucy laughed at how ridiculous his story was.

"I can't even be mad," Hannah said with a laugh. Her little brother was an absolute nightmare.

"So can we keep playing?" Harry asked, trying to put on the sweetest voice he could.

"One more match. Then maths. Deal?"


One round turned into three and eventually the maths got forgotten.

"Get snapped," Harry said as he slide tackled Lucy's player. She crumpled instantly and now receiving a second yellow, Harry's player got sent off.


A/N: I've finally broken up from school! Whoop! Whoop!

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