I promise you'll be okay

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Harry still had his nerf gun on him at dinner. It wasn't loaded and he was pretending to shoot people as they walked by to get more food.

He might've been growing up but he was still very much a child at heart.

"Harry will you please put the guns away?" Hannah asked him. He had just pretended to shoot Sarina, much to everyone's hilarity.

"What do you mean these?" Harry joked, pulling up his sleeves to reveal pretty impressive muscles for a 12-year-old. Bethany England was sitting on their table, and she pulled up her sleeves to show Harry her extremely large biceps.

"Show off," Harry complained, all the girls laughing as he did.


Leah and Georgia had been asked to take part in an Instagram live to help promote the upcoming game. It was just some pretty standard questions, and they were having fun doing it.

"So, when you aren't training what kind of things do you get up to?"

"Well, yesterday, right, Harry convinced us to do a nerf war," Georgia began to explain.

"Actually, I think it was Ella's idea," Leah added.

"Yeah, right. So, we did like capture the flag, but you could shoot each other, and it was actually so fun. Not to brag but me and Harry won every time. Even when we swapped teams around we still won."

"It was such a laugh. In one game, Ella was about to grab the bib and I shot at her, and Harry just dived in front of her. It was like a film scene, it was so funny," Leah said. Both her and Georgia were laughing at the memory.

"You certainly sound like you enjoy yourself," the women running the live said.

"Oh yeah we have so much fun," Georgia agreed.

"I think one of the good things about this team is that we have fun. We are serious on the pitch but we know how to enjoy ourselves. We are constantly laughing and just being good mates," Leah said. Georgia nodding in agreement with her words.


Harry was lying in bed. He could hear a storm raging outside. It might've been childish, but Harry was terrified of thunder. The girls would probably still be up and Harry to decided to go down and see them. He would prefer to be with other people than on his own.

He carefully got out of bed and slipped on his jumper and sliders. As he made his way to the chill out space he bumped into Georgia.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concerned, when she saw him. He looked absolutely terrified.

Harry was so busy listening to the crashing sounds outside that he didn't reply.

"Harry," Georgia said, placing her hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Sorry," he muttered, snapping back to reality.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Harry shook his head slightly, signalling that he wasn't.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Once again, Harry shook his head. An especially loud crash from outside made him jump and Georgia realised why he was acting differently.

"Are you scared of thunder?" she asked, a sympathetic smile on her face. Harry nodded, now with an even more terrified expression on his face.

Georgia pulled him into a hug. She wasn't really sure how to help but she thought that it would be a start.

Harry rested his head on her shoulder, grateful of the comfort.

"You're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you. I promise you'll be okay," she said. She said it so convincingly that Harry believed her, and he began to relax.

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