Leah and her three naughty children

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Leah was stood outside the breakfast room having an important chat with Sarina. Behind Sarina, Leah could see Harry, Georgia and Tooney smiling cheekily at each other.

That couldn't be good.

She tried to ignore them but that became even more difficult as they pressed their faces up against the window and began pulling silly faces at her.

She bit her cheek in an attempt to not burst out laughing.

Sarina could tell that something was distracting her and she spun around to see what it was.

Harry, G and Ella all threw themselves to the floor, laughing madly. The only trace that they had been there was a quite obvious steam on the window from their breathing.

Sarina turned back to look at Leah and she carried on talking. Leah hoped that they would go away but she had no such luck as they appeared back again, still pulling faces.

"I hope you've taken it all in, this is very important," Sarina said ending the conversation and walking away.

Leah stormed into the breakfast room.

"I hate you. I hate you. And I hate you," she said, pointing to each of them in turn. They laughed like little children who were proud of their silly idea.

Leah pulled the three of them into her.

"You guys are complete nightmares," she said.

"It's like Leah and her three naughty children," Millie said from the nearby table.

"I do feel like their Mum sometimes," Leah replied, releasing them and watching them run off, all giggling.

"You've gotta love them, don't ya?" Rach laughed as they watched them disappear.

"You do," Leah agreed.


Harry was wandering the corridors when he could hear Tooney and Less chatting. He hid round the corner waiting to scare them.

Footsteps approached and he jumped out.

"Jesus Christ, Harry," Sarina said, stumbling back with her hand held on her chest.

"Shit. Sorry. I thought you were Tooney and Less," Harry apologised, mortified at what had just happened.

Ella and Alessia were down the corridor and laughing madly at what they had just witnessed.

They kept winding him up about it as they played FIFA that night.

"Shut up," Harry groaned as another comment was thrown his way. Despite annoying the shit out of him, they were being very funny and he was having a great time.

That was what was so fun about G, Tooney and Less. They could wind you up no end but it was all meaningless and for entertainment rather than actually being mean.


It was the day of the semi final and Harry had been asked to go on Lionesses Live. He had become a regular on their social media pages and he was very popular with the audience.

"Shit I don't have anything to cover up my arms," Harry realised, moments before he was about to go on the show.

The girls were just about to go and get onto the bus.

"Does anyone have a jumper I could wear to cover up the scars?" Harry asked. Everyone was so supportive of Harry that he felt comfortable with his self-harm scars being on show but he didn't want the rest of the world to know.

Keira dug out an old hoodie of hers that was in her bag and despite it being Man City branded, Harry took it gratefully.

He'd just sat back in the lobby of the hotel when the face time with Joelah and Josh connected.

"Hello," Harry said, cheerfully.

"Heya Harry," Joelah said. She'd been around camp quite often and she had always been lovely. They had a bit of catch up about the games so far and Harry was more than happy to answer everything.

"See you have Keira's hoodie on, turning into a City fan?" Josh joked as he noticed the hoodie with the initials KW on them. Harry froze up. Shit. What was he meant to say?

"Ha ha. No it's just a bit chilly in here. I'm still Villa through and through," he replied, quickly covering it up.

"How's the Euros going besides the matches? I suppose you have the most unique experience out of everyone," Joelah said.

"Yeah it's quite mad. It is by far the best experience of my life. From when I wake up to when I go to bed, I just have fun every single minute. We do so much stuff and laugh so often, you can't not love it."

"Do you feel really comfortable around the girls?"

"Yeah 100%. They're all lovely. Any time I'm walking anywhere I'll have at least one person asking if I'm alright. I know you hear lots of good things about them but they are genuinely the nicest people I've ever met."

"We hear that you are particularly close with Georgia Stanway," Josh said.

"Yeah. People say that me and her are double trouble. She just makes me laugh. We have very similar personalities which either makes me very mature or her very childish. I reckon everyone you ask would say that she's childish. We enjoy winding up the others and as much as they tell us to go away, they do love us really."

"Georgia's listening to this and her head is just getting bigger and bigger," Joelah laughed.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, laughing as well.

"You must be so proud of your sister," Josh said.

"Oh God yeah I am but don't tell her I told you," Harry joked. With that the interview finished and he got himself ready for the game.


Lionesses- Harry HamptonWhere stories live. Discover now