Chapter Nine

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(Y/N)'S POV:

"So how did it go?" I heard Sweet ask. He seemed a bit farther away than before I passed out. Man, I really wanted to see the King and his people. I wanted to see a glimpse of the culture...oh well, I'll be able to once I wake up...if Sweet will let me, heh.

"Well the daughter and King don't see eye to eye. The princess seems to like us okay." The Commander said with his booming voice. I could tell he was far away, but jeez. Whisper or something man. People are tryna rest here!

"That's probably because Thatch here is making love signs towards her." I could feel the attitude in that voice- it had to be Helga. Wait a minute- LOVE SIGNS??? HUH??

"But the king." Milo mumbled, what sounded sad and upset, sounding very close to me. I swear, if I could, I'd grab his head and headbutt him so hard.

How dare he FINALLY give me attention after leaving and making goo goo eyes with the foreign girl that he met for 2 minutes! I tried to shift away from him, but the only thing I did was groan.

Mole sniffled, hearing my soft whimper of pain. It sounded like he's been crying. "She lives!!" He flopped on my feet, blowing his nose on what felt like a blanket. Ew.

"Mole, I told you before that she wasn't dying."

"Den WHY put dis white cloth over her, HUH??" He gripped the end of the blanket, sobbing still.

"Wait- dyi- she was dying?? I knew she didn't look good, but I didn't realize my friend was-"

That hurt. Friend....

"She took a real good blow to the head, earned herself a head scar for sure." Sweet said, changing the gauze pad from my head. I could hear gasps from Milo and Audrey.

"Oh god...she definitely needs whatever the princess did to Milo with his chest." Audrey said, her voice was a bit muffled though, maybe she was covering her mouth while talking.

"Don't forget de broken wrist and sprained ankle." Mole piped in.

"Jiminy Christmas, she's okay now, right?? Oh right, y-you're right Audrey, I-I could ask Kida..."

So you're already on first name terms, huh? Should I start calling Sweet 'Joshua'? That seems pretty fair.

There were lots of rambling from other people going on, while Milo was talking to the others. I couldn't even open my eyes to see who or what was making all that noise, but my head is POUNDING.

"Someone needs to talk to that girl." Helga said.

"I will do it!" Mole quickly let go of the blanket.

"Someone with good skills." Vinny added.

"I'll do it!" Mole said again.

"Someone who WON'T scare her away." Sweet said, putting on a new gauze pad and wrap around my head.

"I am kind, I shall go!" Mole said, again..

"Someone who speaks the language." Mrs. P said, the same old, scratchy voice.

"I am de perfect person for de job, I will do it!" Mole said, AGAIN.

Someone, for the love of God, just let Mole do it so he can shut the hell up!!!

Apparently Sweet noticed my pain because he made everyone go silent with one simple, "HEY!"

There were a few pauses before I heard his voice again. "Rose is really trying to rest, so could we quietly talk to each other? Hm?" He asked kindly and calmly this time.

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