Chapter Twelve

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(Y/N)'S POV:


Rouke's voice echoed throughout the cave we were in.

It was very very very dark, and above us was this big ball of blue light, surrounded by ginormous stones.

Helga let go of Kida as she stared at the glowing light.

Kida stared at it too, but in a different way. "..the kings of our past..." She sniffled and bowed to the ground. Kida started to say some kind of Atlantian ramble to the uh..king's souls? "We are sorry we have interrupted your rest. We deeply apologize. I am Kidagakash, daughter of King Nedakh. Please accept our apology." She just kept on and on apologizing and sobbing.

Rouke rolled his eyes and stepped over Kida. "Thatch. Tell her to wrap it up. We got a schedule to meet."

I sighed and stayed at the back of the group. I held my side while I watched Milo help Kida to her feet. "I'm sorry..."

I frowned. Kida shouldn't be going through this. It's not like she asked for a whole bunch of strangers to pop into her world. If Rouke lives through this....My gaze moved over to Rouke. The soft stare I had before, turned into a cold glare. ...ooohh...I'm totally suing him. Hope you have slacks and a tie, because you're gonna need it in court. If looks could kill, mine sure would.

Rouke kicked a pebble into the water. The blue floating thing turned red. "Now, Thatch, what does that tiny book say about removing it?"

Kida stared up at the now red glowy thing. I walked up to her and placed a small hand on her shoulder. She mumbled out, "Mahtim..."

"Huh?" I stepped closer to her, seeing her face. That's when I realized.

She's no longer with us. Well I mean, yeah she's here, but the kings of the past must've uhhh I don't know...kinda possessed her. Her eyes were glowing bright blue, like the crystal thing, and the light above us started to turn back to cobalt.

"I don't know how to move it. The book doesn't say anything about removing it because again, it's a LIFE source. It shouldn't be removed." Milo said, catching attitude.

Oh he's mad. I can tell. Milo's the one not to have any attitude, unless he doesn't feel good or he's MAD mad. Kida slipped out of my grasp and walked over to the edge. What's she doin now?

"Kida?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

It didn't work, but it got everyone else's attention. Milo stepped forward. "Kida?"


Milo was about to reach for her when Rouke stopped him. "Talk to me Thatch, what's happening?"

Milo couldn't concentrate, it seemed his mind was going crazy. "Look, all it says here..." He pointed to a page in the book. " that the crystal is alive...somehow."

The glowy ball flowed its glow towards Kida. Kida turned around, her eyes clouded with the same glow. She spoke her language, but she said, "All will be well, Milo and (y/n) Thatch. Be not afraid."

"What did she say?" Rouke let go of Milo, watching Kida turn back around.

"Uh.." Milo looked down. "I..didn't catch it."

UH I DID!! SHE CALLED ME A THATCH! Oh my lord, thank GOD it's dark down here! My ears are burning in embarrassment!

Kida stepped onto the water and began walking on it. Yes, walking on it! I stepped over to Milo, holding his hand, because quite frankly, I didn't know what to do or say. He held onto my hand tightly, as if he was about to break.

She's My Crystal  (Milo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now