Chapter Ten

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(Y/N)'S POV:

"So your Cookie is sweet, but not a food. Your Sweet is kindly, but that is not his name. Audrey is sweet, but is not your doctor, Vinny is kindly, but isn't your doctor either. Mrs. Packard does her own thing. Rose is shy and outgoing, but she is not a flower. Aaand the digging animal named your pet?" Kida asked, making sure she got everything right.

"Close enough." Milo replied with a laugh as he was trying to use the Atlantian silverware. He really did try, but the food kept slipping away. He quickly grabbed a handful and shoved it in his mouth, then put the Atlantian silverware back on his hands to make it look like he was using them correctly.

We were all gathered around, eating the delicacies that they had. Well....they were eating. Me and Vinny weren't, and quite frankly, we were too scared to. Our food was moving...and I don't know about Vinny, but I like my food...ya know..not alive.

Sweet grabbed something with lots of eyes and bit off the head, slurping it up like spaghetti. "Don't forget to eat the head first, that's where all the nutrients are." I slowly pushed my plate towards Mole, who seemed to be LOVING the food. At least someone does...I'll just stick to my homemade kelp bars...

I glanced over at Milo and Kida again, my jealousy bubbling up inside of me. Kida grabs a napkin for him, laughing. "But I don't understand. How come Rose is her name, but you only call her by (y/n)."

"Is (y/n) really your name?" Vinny asked, sneaking me a candy bar. Thank god.

I quickly grabbed it and handed half to him back. "Yeah...but I prefer Rose.."

He thanked me quietly and munched on his piece, thinking. Sweet gave me a harsh pat on the shoulder. "Well I think (y/n) is a beautiful name."

"I do too, it definitely rolls off the tongue." Audrey smiles.

"...thanks.." I mumble out, due to being embarrassed.


"Oh! I know something that'll cheer you up!" Kida runs inside into a little hut then comes back out with a lantern on a long stick. "Follow me."

I mean, I had no other choice. She had a death grip on my wrist. Maybe she's not used to having young women around. I see older women that could be my mom or grandma, but no young women in sight, except for her.

"Hey uh Kida?"

"Yes, (y/n)?"

I stopped. Only my parents and Milo get to call me that.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Kida looked genuinely concerned.

I sighed. "Don' me that. Rose is fine."

" it difficult for you?"

Kida reached up for a firefly and put it in the lantern I was holding. I was staring at the ground, deciding if I should tell Kida anything, let alone trust her. " a way, yes."

Kida smiled softly. "I lost my mom at a young age as well."

I stepped away from her, a bit ticked. "They're not gone!!"

Kida looked confused and sad. "Oh but I thought-"

"Well ya thought wrong! Yeah sure they went missing, looking for this damn place, but that doesn't mean they're gone! They're still out there, I know it!" I lashed out, sticking the lantern in the ground and walking away to take a breather.

Of course, Milo heard me yelling and ran over to us. He stopped me first by lightly pressing his hands against my chest. "Woah. Woah. What's gotten into you?? The (y/n) I remember never yells for no reason and-"

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