Chapter Seventeen

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~SETTING: it was bright and early, the sun shone brightly over the valley of Atlantis, where Queen Kita and a few royal guards were getting a ship prepared for the gang. Helga was there, but she was tied tightly against a tree so she wouldn't escape.~


"We must have everything ready for them before they awake. It's the least we can do, and make sure her ties are tight."

Royal Guard Will tightened the blonde girl's restraints.

"Kiiita, I told you, you didn't have to do this." I heard Milo behind me.

I smiled brightly and turned around. "Well I just wanted to show my 'thank you' to everyone who helped save me." I put my arm up. "Save all of Atlantis."

Milo softly smiled. "Well you're welcome. I'm sure everyone else is happy." He said as Sweet, Cookie, and Audrey were looking over the gold pile. "Plus, I told you I would stay behind."

"I know, I just wanted to hear it again." I smiled and walked over to Vinny with a necklace in my hand. "Something to remember us by."

He accepted it and leaned his head over so I could put the necklace around his neck. I did the same to everyone else. "Atlantis will forever know and value your names. I just wish we could do something more for you all to stay."

"Eh you know." Vinny shrugged. "Thank you, but no thank you. I think we'll be good." He smiled towards the gold pile.

It made me giggle.

"We're really going to miss you guys, Milo." Audrey said, her shoulders were a bit slouched.

"But isn't (y/n) going with you? I remember her saying something about 'brushing it off and seeing her dog'?" Milo asked.

I nodded. "Yes, this is true, she told me her dog's name is Milo, and she misses him a lot."

That statement made Milo smile big. I wonder why. I do not understand.

Audrey shook her head. "We saw her before walking down here."

"Oh. I haven't seen her since I gave her to Sweet." Milo said a bit sadly.

I hugged his arm, trying to give him support and reassurance.

"She's too weak to travel." Sweet said. "Besides, her mother said she wouldn't leave, and I'm sure that's how her father feels."

Milo seems happier, knowing (y/n) is staying. Hmm.....

I slowly let go of his arm, listening to the conversation. Vinny is going on about...a flower shop? What is that? A place you sell flowers? Why? They should be free, all you do is pick them from outside. Confusing.

"I ain't good at speechifyin' or anythin' but..." Cookie gave Milo a large bucket of some sludge.

Milo was struggling with the weight so he put it down next to him.

"It's all the bacon grease from this here trip, I wanted ya to have it."

"OooOoh... C-Cookie, I-"

"No! Don't make it harder for me! You take care of it, you hear?" He walked off, wiping tears. Actual tears...for smelly, chunky pail of grease...?

Audrey playfully pretended to punch Milo, which made him flinch. She laughed. "Ah-ah. Two for flinching."

She playfully pretended to punch him twice then saluted at him. "See ya, Milo, and remember. Make the first move." She winked.

That made him blush and look down at the ground with a smile.

Make the first move for what?

Before I could ask Milo what she meant by that, Milo turned his attention towards Mole, after Mole calling out his name.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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