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"Hi guys." Haechan says completely unfazed by Jaemin and Jeno making out in the back room.
"Hi." Jaemin answers, winded and surprised.
"How are things in the love department?" He asks making Haechan raise his brow at Jeno.
"What? I don't keep secrets from my man and you know it." Haechan purses his lips and sighs.
"There is no such department. I'm single and that's that." Jeno frowns.
"Why are you so pessimistic today?" He shrugs.
"It's not really pessimism, it's just fact." He sighs again.
"Sorry for being this way but my emotions are all over the place and when he turned me down to hang out today I was bummed." Jaemin smiles and pats his shoulder.
"I'm sure he's just busy, nothing personal." He nods.
"I know. But we had such a nice dinner the other night, that it made me hopeful then he said no and knocked me back to reality." He walks out to the front while Jeno turns and wraps his arms around Jaemin's neck and kisses him deeply. Jaemin positions them against the wall and kisses back with as much passion.
"What was that for?" Jeno pecks him once more.
"For making the first move in high school. I'm such a chicken shit that I'd probably be just like him otherwise." Jaemin smiles slyly.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too." Jeno says in return.

This being the first day off Renjun has had with Chenle in a while he decided they should meet up with his new Chinese friends. They are meeting at the mall, Renjun needs a few things anyway and being they are here visiting he figures they would like to get some shopping done.
Chenle picks him up as they have decided to meet the others there.
"I'm surprised you didn't invite Haechan?" Chenle kind of asks making him frown a little.
"Why him? He doesn't speak Chinese and would be lost the whole time." He smiles to himself and mutters, adorable under his breath and Chenle hears it of course.
"Besides he was working and I thought you would like to meet them, they are so nice and they are only here for a couple of months I think." Chenle nods with a smile.
"I like meeting new people and shopping so you don't have to sell me on it." Renjun chuckles.
"I figured you would like it. Jisung doesn't mind you leaving him behind?" Chenle scoffs.
"He's fine. He was going to give his mom a call then probably game the rest of the time. He would be so completely, adorably confused the whole time." He sighs.
"Maybe i should have brought him." He says dreamily. Renjun chuckles.
"You guys are cute. All of you couples are. You are the perfect examples of how to be in a relationship. It amazes me but makes me jealous too." He says pouty.
"What of, being in relationships?" Chenle asks making him hum.
"I just want what you all have, I want to be in a happy, healthy relationship. I just want to be loved." He says with a pout. Chenle reaches over and pats his leg.
"First of all there is no shortage of love for you, second, all you have to do is open your eyes and your heart. You are too busy searching for it and it, uh well its probably right in front of you." Renjun sighs.
"You might be right." Renjun says with a soft smile.
"Oh, there they are." He says as he sees them sitting at a table at a cafe outside the mall. They find their parking space and walk over, it's only then that Renjun notices a fourth person.
"Hi guys." He says.
"This is my friend Chenle I was telling you about." The three stand to greet them while the fourth is staring at Renjun and can't seem to move. He locks eyes with him and looks away self consciously.
"This is the friend we were telling you about that we are here visiting. This is Yangyang." He finally stands and holds out his hand. Renjun accepts it graciously.
"Nice to meet you Yangyang." He says with a smile. He wasn't expecting them to bring him but it's fine.
"Nice to meet you too." He says with an enamored grin that goes unnoticed by Renjun only.
They walk together, talking and getting to know each other. Chenle really likes all of them, except for this Yangyang, who's trying to move in on his friend. Renjun is of course oblivious to the attention but everyone else notices how he only pays attention to him.
By the time lunch came they were all exhausted. They all had bags to carry and Renjun had to practically fight Yangyang to not take his. Yes he is still oblivious.
They sat at a big table, Chenle having to practically push the other away so he could sit by his friend. He doesn't like the idea of him stealing Renjun from Haechan and frankly he doesn't like this guy much anyway.
"So are you two a couple?" Yangyang asks cautiously. Renjun laughs.
"No, we are best friends and he has the cutest boyfriend." Chenle nods with a smile.
"I really do." He says cutely.
"And what about you? Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" He smiles, then purses his lips.
"No, I'm single." He says with a sigh. Chenle rolls his eyes and wants to smack him and Haechan but he can't get involved so he just shakes his head and changes the subject.
When they finally part ways in the afternoon Chenle is so done. He likes them, but he was very uncomfortable but he has decided he needs to talk to Haechan to get him to hurry up and make a move before he loses his chance.
"That Yangyang sure was flirty right?" He asks as Renjun buckles his seatbelt. He frowns.
"Really? Who was he flirting with?" He asks as there is a tap on the glass. He looks over to see Yangyang and puts the window down.
"Hey, i was wondering if I could maybe get your number?" He asks holding his phone out. Renjun smiles and takes it to put in his number. Yangyang smiles widely and says goodbye. Chenle just gives Renjun the 'you see?' look.
"Me? No. He just wants to be friends." He says shaking his head. Chenle just sighs and drives toward the older's apartment.
The drive isn't too long and soon enough Chenle is on the phone with Haechan.
"You need to tell him." He says before any greetings could be exchanged.
""Uh, hello to you too. What do you mean? Why so urgent?" He asks.
"Him and i went out today with some Chinese friends of his." Haechan frowns, he thought they were best friends, why didn't he know about them. Of course the more he thinks about it the more he realizes that Renjun really doesn't have to tell him everything.
"And?" He says waiting for the punch line. Chenle sighs and rubs his face in frustration.
"One of the guys that were there was flirting heavily with him and Renjun give him his number." He's silent for a while. Chenle knows he's just thinking and leaves him be for a minute.
"Yeah, well I guess i can't stop that now can I?" Chenle growls.
"Tell him how you feel before this guy gets ahold of him. At least then you know, then you can stop being miserable at some point and move on." He sighs.
"I'll try. Maybe I'll talk to him after my moms birthday." Chenle smiles.
"Good. That's a start. You've got this." He says in support. Haechan smiles softly, feeling his little flame of hope start to revive.
"Thanks Chenle. See you tomorrow." He says softly.
When he hangs up he can't help but worry. He knows that in all this time he could have found someone else but since he didn't, he always had that little sliver of hope. He just hopes it isn't too late for him.

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