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This time when they come in to work together it's not the shyness that people notice it's the looks of longing. Both are afflicted. Yes even Haechan. He's ready to take that next step but he's not sure how to go about it. He figures he should just say it but he doesn't want him to feel pressured. He turned him down once so he feels a bit weird about just announcing it. Like maybe Renjun could care less, maybe he's over it or for what ever reason, not ready. Would telling him make him feel an obligation? Would he be sad, or angry?
"Stop thinking so much, it looks like your brain hurts." Jeno says scaring him from his thoughts. Haechan sighs.
"It does, so much." He says.
"Why? What's going on in there?" Haechan rolls his eyes.
"Im not telling you, You will laugh at me." Jeno smirks.
"Besides I'm going to be a big boy and figure it out on my own." Jeno laughs and pats him on the back.
"Good boy." Haechan smacks his arm and walks away. He finds himself Staring all day at the utter beauty that his boyfriend displays in literally everything he does.
"Isn't he just so pretty?" He says in a trance as he's wiping the table.
"Maybe you should make your move?" He hears from a strange voice. He jumps a little.
"Sorry, I thought you were someone else, but he's my boyfriend already." He sighs.
"I just love him so much." He says with a sigh. The stranger smiles.
"It is very apparent." Haechan laughs and heads to the counter where he ends up working side by side with him for a little while before Renjun heads to his office. As he makes the fifth order in ten minutes he huffs. He can't do this anymore. He quickly walks back to the office and opens the door with enough force to
Make Renjun lift his head.
"Haechanie, is there a problem?" He asks watching him come closer.
"No, I just want to tell you something." Renjun smiles.
"I'm all ears." Haechan smiles nervously.
"I love you. I just want to tell you I love you and that, I really want to kiss you right now." Renjun giggles.
"Kiss me." He says to Haechan who gets on his knees in front of his chair and kisses him with a force he never has before. Renjun melts into it, his arms wrap around Haechan's neck and soon they fall to the floor in a heap.
When they finally slow down Haechan is sitting on the floor leaning on the desk and Renjun is sitting on him with his legs wrapped around his waist. Haechan gently nibbles on his chin and neck.
"What's gotten into you?" Renjun asks with breathless giggles.
"I love you, I just want to make sure you understand how much, but also, I am ready. I don't want to rush you but I'm ready so whenever you are, I'll be waiting." Renjun looks softly into his eyes.
"I was just looking at you and it was clear to me. You are a perfect, beautiful soul and you love me. Me who, in my eyes is so far from perfect. But you don't see that, you don't see the flaws in me the way I do because..." Renjun stops him with a feather light kiss, his hand touches Haechan's cheek as he looks into his soul.
"Because you are perfect to me." Renjun says as he leans forward and presses their lips together. The kiss is sweet, not rushed, perfect. Renjun chuckles.
"Only you could make sitting on my office floor romantic and lovely." Haechan smiles.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you baby. I just needed you for a bit." Renjun's smile is pure happiness.
"I love you Haechanie." He says softly.
They stay this way for a while, holding each other on the floor of his office. It may seem silly to some but for them it's perfect.
Their peace is only broken when Jisung bursts in to tell them he needs help.
"Oh, I guess I should knock first." He says covering his eyes. They both laugh at him.
"Jisung, we wouldn't do anything like that." Haechan says but Renjun of course has to tease him.
"Without the door locked anyway." Jisung slams the door shut and Haechan nibbles playfully at the others neck making him laugh, he then lays him back and kneels over him while ticking him. He stops when Renjun begs for mercy.
"Come on, he needs us." Renjun says with a beautiful breathless smile stretching across his face. Haechan just nods and stands, then helps him up too.

"What is going on here?" Renjun asks completely floored at the line of people. They are literally out the door.
"Apparently there was a speaker at the hospital and it just ended so the only logical thing to do after that is have coffee." Jeno says as he quickly makes drinks while Jisung is taking orders. Haechan and Renjun quickly step in to make drinks and get the line flowing properly. It takes a half hour to get the line completely emptied out and Renjun is glad he was here to help today. Most mornings they only have three people but he wanted to be with his boyfriend so he was going to do some paperwork for most of the time.
"Ok, since you have it under control now I'm going to finish paperwork now." He grabs Haechan's hand and gives it a squeeze before heading back.
"You must have worked it out. You look like you are at peace again." Jeno says as he puts his coat on to leave.
"I did and I am." Jeno nods with a smile and walks out.
When Renjun walks out of his office for the day, he walks up behind Haechan and hugs his waist. He smiles and turns to look at his face.
"Will you come over tonight?" Renjun asks quietly. Haechan kisses his lips softly, thankful there are no customers at the moment.
"Of course." He whispers.
"I'll be waiting." Renjun says in his ear, making him shiver. He looks into his eyes and sees desire there and swallows thickly. He nods.
"I-I'll be done here s-soon, like an hour?" He questions. Renjun nods quickly.
"Y-yeah, I'm going to go home and get ready?" He kind of questions. He walks out quickly, feeling his nerves spike. He's so happy Haechan is ready and he wants this so badly but he's never done this before and what if he's terrible? He stops at the drug store and grabs three bottles of lube and two different size condoms. He doesn't know if he will want to use them or which size he would be? He's seen him and touched him but the box doesn't have measurements on how full your hand felt. He quickly pays and shrugs off the weird look from the cashier. He's sure they think he is participating in a big orgy but that's ok. He really doesn't care all that much what they think.
When he gets home he decides to take a bath so he's clean. He applies his lotion then sprays his prettiest perfume. He can't decide what to wear, maybe nothing? He shakes his head at his silliness. He decides on wearing his tight short, shorts and a baggy sweatshirt with the neck cut. He knows he is sexy in this. He makes them some soup and leaves it to simmer.
When the doorbell rings his heart speeds up and his fists are clenching and unclenching at his sides. He slowly walks to it and peeks out to see Haechan has went home to shower too and he is dressed in a hoodie and sweat pants.
"Hi." He says dreamily as he opens the door. Haechan shyly waves.
"Hi. You looks so good like this baby." Haechan says. Renjun quickly pulls him into his arms for a hug and kisses his lips.
"Come in." He says. Haechan quickly enters and sits stiffly on the couch.
"So, how are things?" He asks and Renjun laughs his ass off at their behavior before getting up.
"I'll get some wine." He says with a giggle. Haechan sighs.
After each downing the first glass they are able to finally be normal with each other. Midway through the second one Renjun finally feels bold enough and crawls on his lap, much like he was earlier in the day. It starts with small feather light kisses on his jaw and neck before progressing into neither having any self control.
"Let's go to bed now." Renjun says breathless. Haechan nods and kisses him one last time before he picks him up and carry's him in there. He sets him down and continues kissing him as they both take their clothes off. When they are both completely undressed he stops and looks at Renjun who is so shy now.
"Fuck, you take my breath away Junie. I love you so much." Renjun touches his chest and slides his hands up to cup his cheeks.
"I bought supplies." He says and shows Haechan the stuff on the nightstand. He can't help the laugh that bubbles up to the surface.
"How many times are we doing it tonight?" He asks through his light giggles. Renjun is pouting heavily.
"I'm sorry, I was nervous and wanted this to be perfect." He says as he starts to try to walk away. Haechan stops him and hugs him close. He pulls back and looks into Renjun's eyes.
"It is so perfect, just being with you is perfect. Thank you for that though. I love you baby." Renjun smiles softly before he giggles himself.
"I guess it was kind of silly to get all that anyway." Haechan kisses his lips and gently coaxes him to get on the bed. He lays next to him and kisses him all over his face and neck.
"Let's just take it slow and everything will fall into place." Haechan says in his ear. He kisses him once more, until they hear the frantic doorbell and intermittent pounding on his door. They look concerned at each other and quickly get up to dress. They sloppily throw on clothes and run to the door. Haechan steps in front and looks out the peep hole to see Mark standing there with red puffy eyes. He quickly opens it.
"Yuta cheated on me."

To be continued....

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