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Renjun's day started bad. He gets up late, which normally would be fine because he had a day off but today is important. He puts on a nice suit and heads out to the floral shop in town. He gets the most beautiful bouquet and gets on the bus. It's a long drive especially with all the stops but he doesn't normally mind. He puts some music on and takes a bit of a nap along the way. When he finally arrives he smiles happily. He picks up his flowers and heads off. After the stop he has to walk two blocks but it's ok, the weather is starting to be a bit more mild. He takes a deep breath before he opens the door and walks to his destination. He looks around a little, his nerves always kick in at this point.
"Hi, I came a lot later this time, I hope it's ok?" He scratches his neck.
"I won't have as much time though because I have to get to Haechan's place." He smiles softly.
"I wanted to update you on everything. So first off I went on a couple dates with this guy named Yangyang. The first one was more of this group thing and the second was just us. He's nice, but I don't know. I'm so torn. It's just that it's the same as it always is. I still love him. I thought I could date this other person and the feelings would go away." He laughs.
"Stupid, I know. It's just that he is so sweet to me and he is perfect. I suppose you know this already being he's your child?" He chuckles again.
"I Can see he's been here already." He smiles softly.
"I just want to tell you not to worry. We will continue to take care of him for you like we always have Mrs. Lee. He is so special, not only as the person I'm in love with but as our friend. In so many ways, he's just like you. I only hope he stays happy forever. I wish you could have too. I love you mama number two." He kisses his hand and places it on the glass then sets his flowers down.
"I have to go now to catch the next bus so I can make it back in time." He waves as he walks away. He sighs, his walk back to the bus is supposed to be short but someone comes plowing into him, knocking him over in the process.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." They reach out their hand to help him and he accepts.
"I didn't see you there I'm so sorry. I just, I'm nervous. I'm meeting my father in law here to greet his wife and he scares me." The guy says nervously looking around.
"Oh well good luck." He says trying to back away. Unfortunately though he basically tells him his whole life story and Renjun finally runs away when he sees his bus pulling up. Unfortunately for him he misses it. He drops himself onto the bench and rubs his hands over his face.
"Fuck. I'm going to be late." He looks at his watch and figures after the next bus he should only be thirty minutes late. He reaches into pocket after pocket trying to find his phone and realizes he doesn't have it. Wether he dropped it or left it at home, he can't remember. He only knows that this is the worst possible day for this to happen. He tries not to be too upset but it's gnawing away at him, this feeling of possibly hurting Haechan. It's the last thing he wants to do and especially on this day.
He nervously bounces his knee and sighs in relief when he sees the bus coming. At least he won't be that late. The bus is of course pretty full. He has to squeeze in next to a mother and her chocolate eating child. He smiles politely at the pair even as he is disgusted by the mess the kid is making. He grumbles to himself and takes a deep breath, repeating the mantra, "I love kids." He doesn't.
After another half hour the bus comes to a screeching halt, literally. Him and his seat mates, along with the whole bus fly into the seats ahead, luckily they are padded. He looks over as the kid is crying and asks if they are ok. The mother frantically checks her boy over and it seems he's ok, just scared. He stands and looks around, along with the whole bus and can't really see. He sighs and sits back down.
"I'm sure everything will be fine." He says to the two as he puts his head back in frustration.
As he sits with his eyes closed, everything comes rushing to him. Everything that has gone wrong, his deep unspoken feelings and his incredible guilt for not being on time and hurting his best friend. He wipes the tears that are leaking out of his eyes and takes a few deep breaths before feeling a tug on his jacket sleeve.
"Everything will be ok Mr." The boy next to him says with a sweet smile. He chuckles through his cries and nods.
"Thank you." He whispers.
Soon enough the murmurs from the front of the bus have made their way back and he's found out that there is a huge pile up in front of them that the bus actually slammed into. No one was seriously injured on the bus which is good but he's not sure about the rest of the cars. The bigger problem is that it will take hours to untangle this mess so without any hesitation and against the wishes of the bus driver he runs. He has to stop to take his jacket off at one point but he's going to make it. He can't let Haechan down.
When he gets to his building he has to stop outside to catch his breath. It takes a few minutes but he finally gets to his door. He doesn't hesitate before bursting in.

Now with Haechan sitting across from him, holding onto his hands like his life depends on it, he feels like the pain he is feeling all over his body is completely worth it. Soon Haechan tackles him onto the mattress and hugs the life out of him, making him laugh.
"What do you talk about with her?" He asks softly into his neck.
"You mostly. Sometimes I tell her about my life or problems but mostly it's you. I always promise her that we will take care of you." Renjun can feel warm tears running down his neck as Haechan nods. He is quite surprised when he feels warm soft lips press into him. He wouldn't even know where to begin to describe the feeling. He continues to rub Haechan's back, not wanting to bursts the little bubble they are in.
The others heard his story, they could feel his love for Haechan and they only hope that Haechan feels it too so he can finally confess because each and every one of them know that they were made for each other.

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