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The next morning when everyone starts to wake, they start the process of quietly cleaning up and cooking breakfast. Jisung and Chenle had to leave early to open the cafe and the rest are slowly waking. Jeno smiles softly as he looks at Renjun and Haechan cuddled together.
"I don't know why neither one of them can see it?" He whispers to Mark. Mark looks at them and smiles too.
"Yeah, I don't know why Renjun is so scared to confess, it's so obvious that Haechan likes him back." Jeno frowns and drags Mark to the kitchen where Jaemin is cooking and whisper yells to him.
"You mean to tell me Renjun likes him?" Jeno asks while Mark looks away guiltily.
"I wasn't supposed to say anything but he loves him, he's scared to tell him though, so he's been going on dates with this other guy to get over his feelings." Mark shakes his head as Jeno and Jaemin frown.
Jaemin calmly sets the breakfast down that he made and goes and gets paper and a pen. They watch him as he scribbles something out then come over and grab their arms.
"Come on boys we have shifts later." Jeno makes a pouty face. But it was our day off?" Jaemin rolls his eyes.
"If we want these two idiots to do this on their own then we need to get them alone as much as possible." He says before kissing his boyfriend's pouty lips.

When Haechan feels the warmth wrapped around him he cuddles in. He's not too sure yet who he's cuddled into but he likes it. He lays perfectly still to enjoy the warmth as much as he can until they start to squirm.
"Don't go, you're warm." He says softly, the other hums and lifts his head.
"I have to pee Haechanie." He hears Renjun say softly.
"Will you come back?" He asks with a pout. Renjun just giggles and gets up. He first does his business then wanders around looking for everyone.
"They all left? It's only eight." He says as he goes to the kitchen and sees that there is breakfast laid out. He sees the note and reads it to himself. He quickly grabs a tray and pours them each some juice as he giggles, listening to Haechan whine and beg him to come back. He walks in and has Haechan sit and he sets the tray in front of him and sits down too. Haechan looks up puzzled until Renjun hands him the note.

We are taking your shifts today. You need some extra time off since yesterday was stressful. Enjoy breakfast and don't forget to clean up the mess.

J,J, and M

He smiles softly and looks at Renjun.
"I guess we get the day off?" Renjun nods and grabs a bite of fruit from the tray. Haechan watches him slowly chew it and smiles to himself. He picks up a muffin and starts eating too. At one point Renjun's head is laying on his shoulder and he doesn't mind a bit. He sighs happily and after asking if Renjun is done he gets up and takes the tray to the kitchen, then heads to the bathroom to finally do his business.
Renjun screams when all of a sudden Haechan is flying  onto the mattress. He laughs as he crawls up and curls into him under the blankets.
"I think we should cuddle some more." Haechan says into his neck as his hands go around his waist and rest there. Renjun is fighting his incredibly fast beating heart and hoping the other doesn't feel it.
Renjun is soft and warm and Haechan can't get enough, of course Renjun feels the same way about him too. They decide at one point to watch movies which keeps the cuddles happening basically the whole day.
"I suppose we should clean this up now." Renjun says sleepily. Haechan pouts.
"But I like it here with you." Renjun smiles warmly.
"I do to." He says in a whisper.
"Would you like it if I stay and make dinner?" Renjun asks softly. Haechan kisses his cheek, his lips barely grazing his skin, sending tingles down his spine. He's used to Haechan's kisses, at least he thought he was but sometimes they are softer and sweeter or in a place that makes him warm all over.
"I would love that, unless you are tired of being here of course." He says with a slight sadness to his voice that Renjun barely picks up on.
"I would love to stay." He says softly before he kisses the others cheek. This sends Haechan's heart into a frenzy. Renjun isn't usually the one giving out affection. This gives him hope and maybe, just maybe a little courage. Renjun giggles at the cute face he is making and gets up and pulls Haechan up too.
"How about, you start deflating mattresses and folding blankets while I cook you something?" He asks sweetly.
"I get the feeling you are trying to get out of the hard work but ok." Renjun just chuckles as he walks into the kitchen.
Haechan has most of the mess cleaned up by the time Renjun announces that dinner is done. He comes out and helps him finish rolling the mattresses to put into their boxes. The whole time he was in the kitchen he was in deep contemplation. He really, really loves Haechan. He wishes he could spend every minute of everyday with him. They just click so well, they always have. But what if Haechan doesn't want that? Is it worth putting himself out there? Is it worth putting their friendship on the line? He just doesn't know and honestly Haechan doesn't make it easy for him. Some would think that all the kisses and hugs and cuddles would be an indication but he's always been this way. He helps with the few things left then they go to eat.
"Is everything ok Junie? You seem upset?" Haechan asks noticing he's a lot quieter and a little sad looking. He looks up from his plate and he's honestly been fighting tears and he only wishes he has someone to talk to. He tries to nod but Haechan doesn't believe him.
"Can you tell me?" He asks softly. Renjun can only shake his head no.
"Is it something I did? Or said? Did I hurt you?" Haechan asks.
"No." He manages.
"Ok, I won't force you to talk but if I did something wrong I would like to know." Renjun gives a soft smile. Here is yet another reason to love him. He never pressures him to talk if he doesn't want to, only offers his support.
They make it through dinner. Haechan, knowing the other wasn't feeling too well took it upon himself to talk animatedly about all the funny things their friends have done in the past few days, including Jeno and Jaemin making out in the back room of the cafe. This actually makes Renjun chuckle so he considers it a win. When it's time to leave Renjun is still hesitant, he really doesn't want to go.
Haechan walks him to the door, the whole way offering a ride but Renjun needs a little time to think and wants to ride the bus.
"I'm sorry, I had an amazing day with you Haechan. I'm sorry I had to be a downer, I'm just deep in my thoughts." He smiles and opens his arms.
"It's ok, feel better. I'll see you at work, but you can call me if you decide you want to talk." Renjun smiles and kisses his cheek again and as soon as the door closes Haechan touches his cheek while leaning back on the door. He will never get over the soft feeling of his lips on him. He will cherish it always in case it's all he ever gets. He sighs and goes to sit alone on his couch, watching tv, alone, again.

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