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Haechan wakes up today feeling more confident than he has in a long time. He has to work this morning with Jisung but he's decided that today is the day. After his shift he's going to call Renjun and ask him on a date and he will confess his feelings. Is he nervous? Fuck yes, but he really really wants this to happen and he knows it won't if he doesn't do something.
He has to work the whole day to try and calm himself. It's a difficult task as he is bouncing all over the place. Jisung of course notices and tries to ask what's up but he just shuts him down.
"Nothing's up. I'm just a bit hyper, that's all." Jisung hums, not believing him but he won't press it either, besides he's not sure if he cares that much.
Soon Jeno comes in for the overlapping mid morning to later afternoon shift and he knows it's something so of course he corners him the first chance he gets.
"Ok, what's going on? You look like you are going to pass out at any moment." He says holding him in place by his shoulders. Haechan looks around to make sure no one is listening.
"I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask him to go out tonight and I'm going to tell him how I feel." Jeno just blinks at him.
"You didn't do that yesterday? You had all day? What did you do all day then?" This of course is not the reaction he thought he would get so he frowns.
"We cuddled and ate together. It was such a lovely day, thank you for working. He kissed my cheek twice and it almost killed me, so last night I decided it's time. I want him to be at my place all the time. I want to hold him and kiss him whenever I want to, and the first step is confessing. Wish me luck?" He asks with a lopsided grin. Jeno chuckles and hugs him.
"I'm proud of you and I know you can do this." Haechan nods and breaks away just as a group of students walk in. He busies himself for the rest of the day with of course customers and in between he finds himself cleaning anything he gets his hands on. At one point he has to be called back to the front because he's so busy cleaning the back room. He gets up off his knees from scrubbing the floor and dusts himself off before going up front.
The days are starting to cool off even more now that fall is in full swing. He watches as the people come in wrapped in scarfs and jackets. He really likes this time of year. It's not too hot or too cold but a nice in between. It's afternoon now and he should be leaving but unfortunately Mark called that he will be late so he offered to stay anther half hour until he gets here, which is fine because it puts calling Renjun off that much more and his nerves are all over the place. He's busy making an iced mocha when the door dings again and he wishes the customers would slow down, but when he looks up his throat goes dry.
There he is. He is dressed in a cozy off white sweater and black jeans with his tan boots. He looks hot.
After almost dropping the drink twice he finally gets it done, he really hopes he didn't forget anything.
"Hi." He says kind of shyly to a really shocked Renjun.
"Oh? Haechan? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't work this afternoon?" He asks awkwardly.
"I'm just staying late until Mark gets here." He starts to walk away then takes a deep breath and turns to him again.
"Junie? Would you want to go out tonight? Like to eat and maybe to a movie or something?" And oh my god this sounds like a date and he really would love to say yes but of course the bell on the door ruins everything.
"Hey, Renjun are you ready? I planned the perfect third date for us?" He hears behind him but he can only see the deep hurt flash through Haechan's perfect face. Instantly he goes from nervous and happy to lost and hurt and Renjun wants to take that away.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Never mind, I should have known by how lovely you look that it would be for a d-date." He chokes out. He wants to cry, more than anything he wants to run to Jeno and have him hold him while he weeps in his arms but he holds back.
"N-no, I, this. Uh." He feels an arm sling around his waist and he shivers, not in a good way. He carefully tries to step away from him but he can tell the damage is done. Whatever he hoped that Haechan was feeling before was obviously gone. His eyes show nothing. Compared to their usual bright glow, they look dead.
"I'm sorry Haechan, I'll call you later ok? We can talk?" He kind of asks. Haechan shakes his head no.
"It's ok. I'll see you here tomorrow, I suppose. Enjoy your night." Renjun frowns, he wants to cry. This was not how things were supposed to go today but he's stupid and now everything is falling apart. Haechan slowly turns to walk away after seeing Mark walk in. He goes straight to the back room to get his things and leave. He really wants to make a graceful exit and not cry like a baby over someone he never had in the first place so he leaves as fast as he can. He isn't aware anymore of anyone or anything around him to be honest.
After his drive home he stoically exits his car and enters his building. He goes into his dark and lonely apartment and sighs. He knows he should have spoke up sooner, he doesn't know if it would have made a difference. Maybe this guy is perfect for Renjun, maybe he never was? He looks at the time and decides it's dinner time and makes a packet of ramen and sits and slowly stirs it with his chop sticks. He continues to stare at his surroundings, deep in thought before deciding he should call his dad.
"Haechan? How's it going son? You usually don't call me until the weekend, is everything ok?" He sighs.
"Yeah, it's fine." He tries to come off ok but his dad hears.
"Why don't you talk to me son? Tell me what's going on? You know we can't keep it bottled up, say it out loud, please?" He hears the sadness in his voice that he wishes he would have heard in his wife. She was always good at disguising it.
Haechan tells him everything and he knows he can't do much.
"Just wait, it's only a third date, it doesn't mean anything." Haechan scoffs.
"It means they had enough fun on dates one and two and at some point this guys is going to get to feel his soft lips on his and it hurts so fucking much dad." He practically whispers.
"I'm just going to let you know now that I intend to change things. I'm going to be more proactive in my life and I'm going to do things that I've been holding myself back from for the sake of everyone else. I love you dad, I love you so much and I thank you for all of your support over the years, you really are an amazing father." His dad gasps.
"Why does this sound like goodbye? Haechan please Don't do anything drastic. I can't lose you too." He pleads.
"It is and I'm not, don't worry. I love you and I'll call you soon."

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